Maluco, mundo maluco, maluco, tempos malucos Crazy crazy world crazy crazy times Crazy crazy world crazy crazy times Maluco, mundo maluco, maluco, tempos malucos Crazy crazy world crazy crazy times Crazy crazy world crazy crazy times Coloque suas cadeiras para cima para varrer melhor Hang up your chairs to better sweep Hang up your chairs to better sweep Limpe o chão para dançar Clear the floor to dance Clear the floor to dance Chacoalhe o tapete na lareira Shake the rug into the fireplace Shake the rug into the fireplace Maluco, mundo maluco, maluco, tempos malucos Crazy crazy world crazy crazy times Crazy crazy world crazy crazy times Maluco, mundo maluco, maluco, tempos malucos Crazy crazy world crazy crazy times Crazy crazy world crazy crazy times Coloque suas cadeiras para cima para varrer melhor Hang up your chairs to better sweep Hang up your chairs to better sweep Limpe o chão para dançar Clear the floor to dance Clear the floor to dance Varra o chão para a lareira Sweep the floor into the fireplace Sweep the floor into the fireplace Coloque suas cadeiras para cima para varrer melhor Hang up your chairs to better sweep Hang up your chairs to better sweep Limpe o chão para dançar Clear the floor to dance Clear the floor to dance Jogue as cadeiras na lareira Throw the chairs into the fireplace Throw the chairs into the fireplace Coloque suas cadeiras para cima para varrer melhor Hang up your chairs to better sweep Hang up your chairs to better sweep Limpe o chão para dançar Clear the floor to dance Clear the floor to dance Jogue as paredes na lareira Throw the walls into the fireplace Throw the walls into the fireplace