compositor: Regis Danese / Gabriela compositor: Regis Danese / Gabriela compositor: Regis Danese / Gabriela As I climb Zaqueu As I climb Zaqueu Como subo Zaqueo as high as I can as high as I can lo que pueda para el alta just to see you, look to Thee; just to see you, look to Thee; sólo para ver, mirar a Ti; and draw your attention to me. and draw your attention to me. y llamar su atención sobre mí. I need You, Lord I need You, Lord Te necesito, Señor I need Thee, Oh! Father I need Thee, Oh! Father Necesita De Ti, ¡Oh! padre I am too small I am too small Soy demasiado pequeña give me your peace give me your peace dame tu paz off everything for you below. off everything for you below. todo lo que fuera para usted a continuación. Enter in my house Enter in my house Entrar en mi casa enter in my life enter in my life entrar en mi vida touch my structure touch my structure tocar la estructura de mi heals all wounds heals all wounds cura todas las heridas teaches me to be holy teaches me to be holy Enséñame a ser Santo I just love to Thee, I just love to Thee, Me encanta a ti, because the Lord is my greater good, because the Lord is my greater good, porque el Señor es mi mayor bien, Make a miracle for me. Make a miracle for me. Hacer un milagro para mí.