Police helicopter sharking through the sky Police helicopter sharking through the sky ¡Ay! Police helicopter landin’ on my eye Police helicopter landin’ on my eye Helicóptero de la Policía disparó contra el cielo Police helicopter takes a nosedive Police helicopter takes a nosedive Policía landin helicóptero en el ojo Police helicopter no he ain’t shy Police helicopter no he ain’t shy ¡Sí! Police helicopter sharking through the sky Police helicopter sharking through the sky Helicóptero de la Policía toma una picada Police helicopter landing on my eye Police helicopter landing on my eye Helicóptero de la Policía, que no es tímido Police helicopter don’t take no jive Police helicopter don’t take no jive ¡Sí! Police helicopter no he ain’t shy Police helicopter no he ain’t shy (Repetir Todo)