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It's the sad eyed goodbye It's the sad eyed goodbye É o adeus de olhos tristes Yesterday's moments I remember Yesterday's moments I remember Momentos do passado, eu me lembro It's the bleak street, weak-kneed partings, I recall It's the bleak street, weak-kneed partings, I recall São as despedidas nas ruas geladas, eu recordo It's the mistier mists the hazier days It's the mistier mists the hazier days É a névoa mais densa, os dias mais brumosos The brighter sun and the easier lays The brighter sun and the easier lays O sol mais brilhante e as deitadas mais fáceis There's all the more reason for laughing and crying There's all the more reason for laughing and crying Tem sempre mais razões para rir e chorar When you're younger and life isn't to hard at all When you're younger and life isn't to hard at all Quando se é jovem e a vida não é tão difícil afinal It's the fantastic drowse It's the fantastic drowse É o fantástico devaneio Of the afternoon sundays Of the afternoon sundays Das tardes de domingo That bored you to rages of tears That bored you to rages of tears Que te entediava à ira de lágrimas The unending pleadings The unending pleadings A súplica interminável To waste all your good times To waste all your good times De gastar todos teus bons momentos In thoughts of your middle-aged years In thoughts of your middle-aged years Em pensamentos sobre teus anos de meia-idade It's the vertical hold all the things that you're told It's the vertical hold all the things that you're told É pressão vertical de tudo que lhe é dito For the everyday hero it all turns to zero For the everyday hero it all turns to zero Para o herói do cotidiano, tudo torna à zero And there's all the more reason And there's all the more reason E tem sempre mais razões For living or dying when you're young For living or dying when you're young Para viver ou morrer, quando se é jovem And your troubles are all very small And your troubles are all very small E teus problemas são todos muito pequenos Out here on the street we'd gather and meet Out here on the street we'd gather and meet Aqui fora na rua, nos reunimos e nos encontramos And scuff up the sidewalk And scuff up the sidewalk E arrastamos a calçada With endlessly restless feet With endlessly restless feet Com infinitos pés incansáveis Half on the time we'd broaden our minds Half on the time we'd broaden our minds Metade do tempo, nós estenderíamos nossas mentes More in the pool hall More in the pool hall Mais no salão de bilhar Than we did in the school hall Than we did in the school hall Do que faríamos nos corredores da escola With the down town chewing gum bums With the down town chewing gum bums Com os mastigadores de chiclete do centro Watching the night life the lights and the fun Watching the night life the lights and the fun Assistindo a vida noturna, as luzes e a diversão Never wanted to be the boy next door Never wanted to be the boy next door Nunca quis ser o garoto da porta ao lado Always thought I'd be something more Always thought I'd be something more Sempre achei que seria algo a mais But it ain't easy for a small town boy But it ain't easy for a small town boy Mas não é fácil para um garoto de cidade pequena It ain't easy at all It ain't easy at all Não é nada fácil Thinkin' it right and doin' it wrong Thinkin' it right and doin' it wrong Pensar certo e fazer errado It's easier from an arm chair It's easier from an arm chair É mais fácil de uma cadeira de balanço Waves of alternatives wash over my sleepiness Waves of alternatives wash over my sleepiness Ondas de alternativas lavam meu sonhos Have my eggs poached for breakfast I guess Have my eggs poached for breakfast I guess "Terei ovos pochê para o café, eu acho" I think I'll be Clint Eastwood I think I'll be Clint Eastwood Acho que serei Clint Eastwood Jimi Hendrix, he was good Jimi Hendrix, he was good Jimi Hendrix era demais Let's try William, the conqueror Let's try William, the conqueror Vamos tentar William, o conquistador Now who else do I like? Now who else do I like? Agora, de quem mais eu gosto?

Composição: Roger Taylor

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