Ifyouwannagetdownyouwannacomeandchat. Doyou
wannasee mehere,wellbabywhyisthat?I'mtryingto tell
youI love the feelingIseeitonthetelephoneohmygosh
Love isjustathing,thatyounever takeaway. ButIjust don't
carewereyouare (echo) timetogetit backnow.I(echo)
nevergetitrightnow.You (echo) aretheonetosay..love is
justathing (echo).
Love(echo) is akind of difference. But Idon't carewereyou are.
'cause Idon't reallycare if I needyour help at this moment (echo)
I wastrying to tellyou (echo)
Chorus 2x
Loveisjust a thing, that younevertakeaway. But I don't care were
you are (echo) time to get it back now. I (echo) never get itright now
You (echo) are the one to say..love is just a thing.
Fine! You don't need me go ahead. I'm trying to tell you that you're
going to be dead. I wish love can be a thing and I'll tell you..its not!