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Human-Compost Human-Compost ADUBO-HUMANO I'm surrounded by sub-entity I'm surrounded by sub-entity Estou cercado por subexistência ? I knew it would happen I knew it would happen sabia que isso aconteceria Figure in black would take me into the shades Figure in black would take me into the shades Uma figura em negro me levaria para as sombras Six-feet under and it's hard to breathe Six-feet under and it's hard to breathe Sete palmos abaixo e está difícil de respirar ? I knew it would end here I knew it would end here sabia que isto acabaria aqui Sheep in wolf's clothing entombed in waste Sheep in wolf's clothing entombed in waste Cordeiro em pele de lobo sepultado no lixo Today I wish I'd have a gun Today I wish I'd have a gun Hoje eu queria ter um revólver Gasping for air I'm rotting all alone Gasping for air I'm rotting all alone Ofegando por ar estou apodrecendo completamente sozinho ? Just how I wanted Just how I wanted como eu queria With Karma's blades carving my flesh to bone With Karma's blades carving my flesh to bone Com lâminas de carma cortando minha carne até o osso I am reaping everything I've sown I am reaping everything I've sown Estou colhendo tudo que semeei ? The filth I have planted The filth I have planted a imundície que plantei And digging south towards the great unknown And digging south towards the great unknown E cavando ao sul rumo ao grande desconhecido Oh yes I wish I'd have a gun Oh yes I wish I'd have a gun Oh sim, queria ter um revólver Been playing the bitter game with leeches sucking blood out from my veins Been playing the bitter game with leeches sucking blood out from my veins Tenho jogado o jogo amargo com as sanguessugas sugando sangue das minhas veias With hook in mouth I've gone astray With hook in mouth I've gone astray Com o anzol na minha boca tenho ido pelo mal-caminho Been shovelling shit in vain; Been shovelling shit in vain; Tenho escavado merda em vão; From grave to grave burying myself From grave to grave burying myself De tumba em tumba enterrando a mim mesmo Just one last death before I go to hell Just one last death before I go to hell Apenas mais uma última morte antes de eu ir para o inferno Here I lie my shovel next to me Here I lie my shovel next to me Aqui eu deito a minha pá perto de mim ? Still squeezing the handle Still squeezing the handle ainda apertando o cabo There are many like it but this one's mine There are many like it but this one's mine Há muitas como ela, mas esta aqui é a minha Hole after hole it's suffered 'cause of me Hole after hole it's suffered 'cause of me Buraco por buraco ela sofre por minha causa ? Growing the anger Growing the anger Aumentando a raiva With contempt and loathing over all that is I With contempt and loathing over all that is I Com satisfação e ódio por tudo que sou Somebody please give me a gun Somebody please give me a gun Alguém por favor, me dê um revólver Been playing the bitter game with leeches sucking blood out from my veins Been playing the bitter game with leeches sucking blood out from my veins Tenho jogado o jogo amargo com as sanguessugas sugando sangue das minhas veias With hook in mouth I've gone astray With hook in mouth I've gone astray Com o anzol na minha boca tenho ido para o mal-caminho Been shovelling shit in vain; Been shovelling shit in vain; Tenho escavado merda em vão; From grave to grave burying myself From grave to grave burying myself De tumba em tumba enterrando a mim mesmo Just one last death before I go to hell Just one last death before I go to hell Apenas mais uma última morte antes de eu ir para o inferno Human-compost I am Human-compost I am Adubo-humano eu sou Human-compost I am Human-compost I am Adubo-humano eu sou Human-compost I am Human-compost I am Adubo-humano eu sou Human-compost I am Human-compost I am Adubo-humano eu sou I am! I am! Eu sou! Somebody please give me a Somebody please give me a Alguém por favor, me dê Somebody please give me a gun Somebody please give me a gun Alguém por favor, me dê um revólver Been playing the bitter game with leeches sucking blood out from my veins Been playing the bitter game with leeches sucking blood out from my veins Tenho jogado o jogo amargo com as sanguessugas sugando sangue das minhas veias With hook in mouth I've gone astray With hook in mouth I've gone astray Com o anzol na minha boca tenho ido para o mal-caminho Been shovelling shit in vain; Been shovelling shit in vain; Tenho escavado merda em vão; From grave to grave burying myself From grave to grave burying myself De tumba em tumba enterrando a mim mesmo Just one last death before I go to hell Just one last death before I go to hell Apenas mais uma última morte antes de eu ir para o inferno

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