
Not Now John


Fuck all that we've got to get on with these Fuck all that we've got to get on with these foda-se todo lo que tenemos que seguir adelante con estos Gotta compete with the wily Japanese. Gotta compete with the wily Japanese. Tengo que competir con los astutos japoneses. There's too many home fires burning There's too many home fires burning Hay también muchos incendios en casa And not enough trees. And not enough trees. Y no suficientes árboles. So fuck all that So fuck all that Así que todo lo que mierda We've go to get on with these. We've go to get on with these. Hemos de ir a conseguir con estos. Can't stop Can't stop Lose job Lose job No se puede parar Mind gone Mind gone Perder su trabajo Silicon Silicon Mente desaparecido Stockholm Stockholm Silicio What bomb What bomb ¿Qué bomba Get away Get away Escapar Pay day Pay day Día de pago Make hay Make hay Hacer heno Break down Break down Descomponer Need fix Need fix Necesita arreglar Big six Big six Seis Grandes Clickity click Clickity click Clickity haga clic en Hold on Hold on Aguantar Oh no Oh no ¡Oh, no Brrrrrrrrrring bingo! Brrrrrrrrrring bingo! Brrrrrrrrrring bingo! Make 'em laugh. Make 'em laugh. Make 'em cry. Make 'em cry. Haz 'em reír. Make 'em dance in the aisles. Make 'em dance in the aisles. Haz 'em llorar. Make 'em pay. Make 'em pay. Haz 'em bailar en los pasillos. Make 'em stay. Make 'em stay. Haz 'em pagar. Make'em feel ok. Make'em feel ok. Haz 'em estancia. Not nah John Not nah John Make'em siento bien. We've got to get on with the film show. We've got to get on with the film show. Hollywood waits at the end of the rainbow. Hollywood waits at the end of the rainbow. Juan no nah Who cares what it's about Who cares what it's about Tenemos que seguir con el espectáculo de cine. As long as the kids go? As long as the kids go? Hollywood espera al final del arco iris. Not now John Not now John A quién le importa de qué se trata Got to get on with the show. Got to get on with the show. Mientras los niños se van? Hang on John we've got to get on with this. Hang on John we've got to get on with this. Ahora no John I don't know what it is I don't know what it is Tengo que seguir adelante con el show. But it fits on here like..... But it fits on here like..... Come at the end of the shift Come at the end of the shift Espera John tenemos que seguir adelante con esto. We'll go and get pissed. We'll go and get pissed. No sé lo que es But now now John But now now John Pero cabe aquí como ..... I've got to get on with this. I've got to get on with this. Ven al final del turno Hold on John Hold on John Iremos y molesto conseguir. I think there's something good on. I think there's something good on. Pero ahora ya John I used to read books but..... I used to read books but..... Tengo que seguir adelante con esto. It could be the news It could be the news Or some other abuse Or some other abuse Espera Juan Or it could be reusable shows. Or it could be reusable shows. Creo que hay algo bueno en. Fuck all that we've got to get on with these Fuck all that we've got to get on with these Yo solía leer libros, pero ..... Got to compete with the wily Japanese. Got to compete with the wily Japanese. Podría ser la noticia No need to worry about the Vietnamese. No need to worry about the Vietnamese. O algún otro abuso Got to bring the Russian Bear to his knees. Got to bring the Russian Bear to his knees. O podría ser muestra reutilizables. Well, maybe not the Russian Bear Well, maybe not the Russian Bear Maybe the Swedes. Maybe the Swedes. Fuck todo lo que tenemos que seguir adelante con estos We showed Argentina We showed Argentina Tienes que competir con los astutos japoneses. Now let's go and show these. Now let's go and show these. No hay necesidad de preocuparse por los vietnamitas. Make us feel tough Make us feel tough Tengo que llevar el oso ruso de rodillas. And wouldn't Maggie be pleased? And wouldn't Maggie be pleased? Bueno, quizás no el oso ruso Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah! Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah! Tal vez los suecos. "s'cusi dove il bar" "s'cusi dove il bar" Mostramos Argentina (What?) (What?) Ahora vamos a ir y mostrar estos. "se para collo pou eine toe bar "se para collo pou eine toe bar Nos hacen sentir fuerte s'il vous plait ou est le bar" s'il vous plait ou est le bar" Y no Maggie esté complacido? (...say it in English!...) (...say it in English!...) Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah! "oi, where's the fucking bar John?" "oi, where's the fucking bar John?" (Oh, now you're talking!)" (Oh, now you're talking!)" "S'cusi paloma bar il "Oh! Rule Britannia! Britannia rules the day "Oh! Rule Britannia! Britannia rules the day (¿Qué?) Down!" Down!" sí párr Pou collo eine dedo bar "Go, Maggie!" "Go, Maggie!" s'il est vous plait ou Le Bar "Hammer, Hammer, Hammer, Hammer, now!" "Hammer, Hammer, Hammer, Hammer, now!" (... Se dice en Inglés !...)

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