In a churchyard by a river In a churchyard by a river En un cementerio por un río, Lazing in the haze of midday Lazing in the haze of midday Holgazaneando en la bruma del mediodía, Laughing in the grasses and the graze Laughing in the grasses and the graze Riendo en los pastos y el pastoreo. Yellow bird, you are not lonely in singing and in flying on Yellow bird, you are not lonely in singing and in flying on pájaro amarillo, usted está solo In laughing and in leaving In laughing and in leaving En el canto y en vuelo en, Willow weeping in the water Willow weeping in the water En riendo y en dejar. Waving to the river daughters Waving to the river daughters Swaying in the ripples and the reeds Swaying in the ripples and the reeds Sauce llorón en el agua, On a trip to Cirrus Minor, saw a crater in the sun On a trip to Cirrus Minor, saw a crater in the sun Tras saludar a las hijas del río, A thousand miles of moonlight later A thousand miles of moonlight later Balanceándose en las ondas y la caña.