In a churchyard by a river In a churchyard by a river No patio da igreja perto do rio Lazing in the haze of midday Lazing in the haze of midday Descansando na neblina do meio-dia Laughing in the grasses and the graze Laughing in the grasses and the graze Rindo nas relvas e nos pastos Yellow bird, you are not lonely in singing and in flying on Yellow bird, you are not lonely in singing and in flying on Pássaro amarelo, você está solitário cantando e voando In laughing and in leaving In laughing and in leaving E partindo Willow weeping in the water Willow weeping in the water O salgueiro chorando na água Waving to the river daughters Waving to the river daughters Acenando para as filhas do rio Swaying in the ripples and the reeds Swaying in the ripples and the reeds Balançando nas ondulações e nos canaviais On a trip to Cirrus Minor, saw a crater in the sun On a trip to Cirrus Minor, saw a crater in the sun Em uma viagem para Ursa Menor, viu uma cratera no sol A thousand miles of moonlight later A thousand miles of moonlight later Mil milhas depois do luar