
Indigo Eyes

Olhos anil

Fire burning in a hill Fire burning in a hill Fogo queimando em uma colina The lines are rocky rough The lines are rocky rough As linhas são rochosas e irregulares Red angels wait to pick remains Red angels wait to pick remains Anjos vermelhos esperam para pegar os restos The cindered shoulder The cindered shoulder O ombro chamuscado Of confused men Of confused men De homens confusos Seperate from their awe Seperate from their awe Separa-os de seu pavor With grey desire With grey desire Com desejo cinzento He looks out mad He looks out mad Ele observa, louco, His soft grey indigo eyes His soft grey indigo eyes Seus olhos anil, cinzentos, suaves Indigo eyes ... Indigo eyes ... Olhos anil... Asking Asking perguntando His heaven is uncovered not His heaven is uncovered not Seu paraíso não está descoberto A black tree blocks his way A black tree blocks his way Uma árvore negra bloqueia seu caminho His way is skating round a dome His way is skating round a dome Seu caminho está patinando em torno de uma cúpula (His way is in dismay) (His way is in dismay) (Seu caminho está em desânimo) The playmate sings The playmate sings O companheiro canta Like Orphee in some thunder world Like Orphee in some thunder world Como Orfeu em algum mundo de trovão Asking to be bathed in light Asking to be bathed in light Pedindo para ser banhado em luz To be exemplified To be exemplified Para servir como exemplo With grey desire he looks out mad With grey desire he looks out mad Com desejo cinzento ele observa, louco, His soft grey indigo eyes His soft grey indigo eyes Seus olhos anil, cinzentos, suaves Saw his past Saw his past Viu seu passado He had dug for trust He had dug for trust Ele havia cavado por fé With blind infected hands With blind infected hands Com mãos cegas e contagiadas And wondered as the hurt bit hard And wondered as the hurt bit hard E queria saber, enquanto a ferida ardia, Why the sacred weren't at hand Why the sacred weren't at hand Por que os sagrados não estavam disponíveis Only when his ears were deaf Only when his ears were deaf Somente quando seus ouvidos ficaram surdos To the angels light burst waves To the angels light burst waves Aos anjos a luz irrompeu em ondas Only when his ears were deaf Only when his ears were deaf Somente quando seus ouvidos ficaram surdos Did life turn from fog to fog Did life turn from fog to fog A vida mudou de um nevoeiro para outro But not evil but estranged But not evil but estranged Não para o mal, mas afastado But not evil but estranged But not evil but estranged Não para o mal, mas afastado Indigo eyes, Indigo eyes Indigo eyes, Indigo eyes Olhos anil, olhos anil Indigo eyes, Indigo eyes Indigo eyes, Indigo eyes Olhos anil, olhos anil With grey desire With grey desire Com desejo cinzento He looks out mad He looks out mad ele observa, louco, His soft grey His soft grey Seus olhos cinzentos suaves Indigo eyes Indigo eyes Olhos anil Indigo eyes Indigo eyes Olhos anil

Composição: Peter Murphy, P Statham

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