I never thought life would be easy I never thought life would be easy Nunca pensé que la vida sería fácil Take it from me it's not easy Take it from me it's not easy Te lo digo yo que no es fácil When you're living on your own When you're living on your own Cuando usted está viviendo en su propio país And now I face it (and even now I take it) And now I face it (and even now I take it) Y ahora lo cara(y hasta ahora lo tomo) One day at a time (one step at a time) One day at a time (one step at a time) Un día a la vez (un paso a la vez) Then I try to rise Then I try to rise Entonces trato de aumento Each time I fall Each time I fall Cada vez que me caigo Try to find a way Try to find a way Trato de encontrar una manera de Of getting through it all Of getting through it all De conseguir a través de todo I used to believe in you I used to believe in you Yo solía creer en ti Now I need someone else to turn to Now I need someone else to turn to Ahora necesito a alguien más a quien recurrir Any though it's only a matter of time Any though it's only a matter of time Todo a pesar de que es sólo cuestión de tiempo That when you lose the magic That when you lose the magic Que cuando se pierde la magia Suddenly your world comes falling down Suddenly your world comes falling down De repente su mundo se viene cayendo All around you All around you A su alrededor And though it seems so tragic And though it seems so tragic Y aunque parece tan trágico Even when there's no one else around Even when there's no one else around Incluso cuando no hay nadie más alrededor You hear the sound You hear the sound Se oye el sonido Of another world falling down Of another world falling down De otro mundo caen Leaving your memories behind me Leaving your memories behind me Dejando detrás de mí tus recuerdos Hoping that nothing reminds me Hoping that nothing reminds me Con la esperanza de que nada me recuerda Praying that I can forget Praying that I can forget Rezando para que me puede olvidar And even now I take it And even now I take it E incluso ahora puedo considerar One step at a time, and now I One step at a time, and now I Un paso a la vez, y ahora Face the future eye to eye Face the future eye to eye Frente a lo futuro es ojos por ojos I know it won't be easy, but I'll get by I know it won't be easy, but I'll get by Sé que no será fácil, pero voy a salir adelante