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To Step Aside


(Tennant/Lowe) (Tennant/Lowe) (Tennant/Lowe) ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- By the cathedral By the cathedral Junto à catedral, into the sun into the sun No sol, pilgrims are singing pilgrims are singing Os peregrinos cantam their journey done their journey done O fim da sua jornada. I look at my short life and think I look at my short life and think Eu olho para a minha vida pequena e penso of all the champagne that I drink of all the champagne that I drink Em todo o champanhe que eu bebo with all the faces that I know with all the faces that I know Na companhia de todos os rostos que conheço and how much further can one go? and how much further can one go? E no quão mais adiante se pode ir. And if I decide And if I decide E se eu decidir to step aside to step aside Renunciar I will try to reply to I will try to reply to Eu tentarei responder the feelings I hide the feelings I hide Aos sentimentos que escondo I look from my window I look from my window Eu olho pela minha janela down to the square down to the square em direção à praça at workers still queuing at workers still queuing Para os trabalhadores que ainda fazem fila patiently there patiently there pacientemente lá for market forces to provide for market forces to provide Para que as forças de mercado proporcionem what history's so far denied what history's so far denied O que a história até agora lhes negou for a different kind of fate for a different kind of fate Por um tipo de destino diferente than to labour long and always wait than to labour long and always wait Daquele de trabalhar muito tempo e esperar sempre. And if I decide And if I decide E se eu decidir to step aside to step aside Renunciar I will try to return to I will try to return to Eu tentarei regressar the person inside the person inside ao meu eu interior Will I always need you? Will I always need you? Será que eu sempre precisarei de você? Would you want me to? Would you want me to? Você ia me querer também? Can you love me for good Can you love me for good Você é capaz de me amar para sempre? the way you thought you could? the way you thought you could? Do modo como você achou que podia? Or will spring bring rain and summer burn? Or will spring bring rain and summer burn? Ou a primavera irá trazer a chuva e a queimadura do verão? Will tears at last precede the turn Will tears at last precede the turn As lágrimas irão finalmente preceder a hora from summer warmth to sudden cold from summer warmth to sudden cold Do calor do verão para o frio repentino as certainly as growing old? as certainly as growing old? Tão certamente quanto iremos envelhecer And if I decide And if I decide E se eu decidir to step aside to step aside Renunciar I will try to forget all I will try to forget all Eu tentarei esquecer as lágrimas the tears I'll have cried the tears I'll have cried Que eu terei chorado

Composição: Neil Tennant, Christopher Lowe

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