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Oh People

oh povo

Oh, People Oh, People oh povo Patti Labelle Patti Labelle patti labelle If we are one big happy family, no one would have to beg If we are one big happy family, no one would have to beg to eat. to eat. If we live in a world of dignity, no man would have to If we live in a world of dignity, no man would have to se nos formos uma grande e feliz familia, ninguem tera de implorar live on the street. live on the street. para comer. If I tell you you're a part of me, there's no need for If I tell you you're a part of me, there's no need for Se nos vivermos num mundo de diginidade, nenhum homem tera disbelief. disbelief. de viver na rua. Here is my hand, to let you know that what we dream we Here is my hand, to let you know that what we dream we se eu disser que voce é parte de mim, nao ha necessidade de all can hold. all can hold. disacreditar Apart we are weak....together we're strong. Apart we are weak....together we're strong. Aqui esta minha mao, para mostrar a voces que o nos sonhamos nos Chorus: Chorus: todos podemos conseguir Oh, people....we are writing this song. We're all living Oh, people....we are writing this song. We're all living separados seremos fracos... juntos seremos fortes these words together forever. these words together forever. There's no reason we can't live and be one... There's no reason we can't live and be one... coro Build the world that we want together. Build the world that we want together. oh, povo...nos estamos escrevendo esta cancao. Nos todos estamos vivendo For as long as you stand here by me..... we'll live on. For as long as you stand here by me..... we'll live on. estas palavras juntos para sempres. Think of all the possibilities that the eyes of a child Think of all the possibilities that the eyes of a child Nao ha razao para que nos nao possamos viver e sermos um can see. can see. construir o mundo da forma que queremos juntos Think of all the opportunities that float right by you Think of all the opportunities that float right by you enquanto voces estiverem aqui ao meu lado... continuaremos vivendo and me. and me. Take my hand, and we will know all that we dream...we, Take my hand, and we will know all that we dream...we, pense em todoas as possibilidades que os olhos de uma crianca our own. our own. podem ver Apart we are weak... together we're strong. Apart we are weak... together we're strong. pense em todos as oportunidades que pairam do teu lado Chorus Chorus e do meu From: [email protected] From: [email protected] pegue minhas maos e saberemos que todos nossos sonhos serao nossos

Composição: Patti Labelle

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