
The War of Races

A guerra das raças

[Music and lyrics: Daniel Reda] [Music and lyrics: Daniel Reda] [Música e letras: Daniel Reda] We are gonna blow this place away, We are gonna blow this place away, Nós vamos explodir este lugar, we're here to kill Dwarves and Elves. we're here to kill Dwarves and Elves. Estamos aqui para matar anões e elfos, Your end is drawing closer, Your end is drawing closer, Seu fim se aproxima, we got the magic power. we got the magic power. Nós temos o poder mágico. Gather around young warriors, Gather around young warriors, Reúnam-se jovens guerreiros, only the strong survive. only the strong survive. Somente o forte sobrevive. [Solo: Lorenzo Zirilli] [Solo: Lorenzo Zirilli] [Solo: Lorenzo Zirilli] Time of war, time of blood, Time of war, time of blood, Tempo de guerra, tempo de sangue, time of war, time of witchery time of war, time of witchery Tempo de guerra, tempo de bruxaria Time of war, time of blood, Time of war, time of blood, Tempo de guerra, tempo de sangue, time of war, time of witchery time of war, time of witchery Tempo de guerra, tempo de bruxaria From time to time From time to time De tempos em tempos a warrior found the strength to hurl his axe or throw the lance, a warrior found the strength to hurl his axe or throw the lance, Um guerreiro encontrava forças para arremessar seu machado ou jogar sua lança, and for a while the fury of the battle grew stronger, and for a while the fury of the battle grew stronger, E por um momento a fúria da batalha aumentou, but it was soon lost against the wall of shields. but it was soon lost against the wall of shields. Mas logo se perdeu contra a parede de escudos. Trolls, Gnomes, powerful magicians: Trolls, Gnomes, powerful magicians: Trolls, gnomos, poderosos magos: you cannot kill the justice. you cannot kill the justice. Vocês não podem matar a justiça. Now it's time for your fate to come true, Now it's time for your fate to come true, Agora é a hora do seu destino se realizar, there ain't no escape for you. there ain't no escape for you. Não há escapatória para vocês. Gather around Druids, Dwarves and Elves, Gather around Druids, Dwarves and Elves, Reúnam-se druidas, anões e elfos, fighting for a cause. fighting for a cause. Lutando por uma causa.

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