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In Time

Em tempo

Stand in pain, don't you worry Stand in pain, don't you worry repousando na dor, não se preocupe One of these days it will hit you One of these days it will hit you um desses dias ela vai bare voce In time, my friend In time, my friend em tempo, meu amigo Keep you calm, don't you worry Keep you calm, don't you worry mantenha sua calma, não se preocupe Restless mind, go to sleep Restless mind, go to sleep repouse a mente In time, my friend In time, my friend em tempo, meu amigo Gone again, gone within Gone again, gone within vá outra vez, vá com Come with me, I will show you Come with me, I will show you venha comigo, eu te mostrarei In time, my friend. In time, my friend. em tempo, meu amigo

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