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Renascido do Inferno

Eu estou vivendo em uma estrada sem fim I'm living on an endless road I'm living on an endless road Ao redor do mundo pelo rock and roll Around the world for rock and roll Around the world for rock and roll Às vezes parece tão difícil Sometimes it feels so tough Sometimes it feels so tough Mas eu ainda não tive o suficiente But I still ain't had enough But I still ain't had enough Eu continuo dizendo que é demais I keep saying that it's getting too much I keep saying that it's getting too much Mas eu sei que sou um mentiroso But I know I'm a liar But I know I'm a liar Me sentindo bem no barulho e na luz Feeling all right in the noise and the light Feeling all right in the noise and the light Mas é o que acende meu fogo But that's what lights my fire But that's what lights my fire Refrão CHORUS CHORUS Renascido do inferno, no trovão e no calor Hellraiser in the thunder and heat Hellraiser in the thunder and heat Renascido do inferno encoste suas costas no encosto Hellraiser rock you back in your seat Hellraiser rock you back in your seat Renascido do inferno e eu o farei se tornar realidade Hellraiser and I'll make it come true Hellraiser and I'll make it come true Renascido do inferno, eu o enfeitiçarei Hellraiser, I'll put a spell on you Hellraiser, I'll put a spell on you Indo para fora em um outro palco Walking out on another stage Walking out on another stage Outra cidade, outro lugar Another town, another place Another town, another place Às vezes eu não me sinto bem Sometimes I don't feel right Sometimes I don't feel right Os nervos torcidos forte demais Nerves wound up too damn tight Nerves wound up too damn tight As pessoas ficam me dizendo que é ruim para a minha saúde People keep telling me it's bad for my health People keep telling me it's bad for my health Mas revidar não o faz But kicking back don't mke it But kicking back don't mke it Fora de controle, eu faço o melhor papel Out of control, I play the ultimate role Out of control, I play the ultimate role Mas é isso que acende meu fogo But that's what lights my fire But that's what lights my fire Refrão CHORUS CHORUS Eu estou vivendo em uma estrada sem fim I'm living on an endless road I'm living on an endless road Em todo o mundo pelo rock and roll Across the world for rock and roll Across the world for rock and roll Às vezes parece tão difícil Sometimes it feels so tough Sometimes it feels so tough Mas eu ainda não tive o suficiente But I still ain't had enough But I still ain't had enough Me sentindo bem no barulho e na luz Feeling all right in the noise and the light Feeling all right in the noise and the light Mas é o que acende meu fogo But that's what lights my fire But that's what lights my fire Refrão CHORUS CHORUS

Composição: Zakk Wylde, Ozzy Osbourne

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