Nowhere left for me to hide. Nowhere left for me to hide. En ninguna parte me queda por ocultar. Waiting for my paranoia. Waiting for my paranoia. Esperando a que mi paranoia. Way too late to change my mind. Way too late to change my mind. Demasiado tarde para cambiar de opinión. No-one wants to beat me. No-one wants to beat me. Nadie quiere que yo. Locked away no place to go. Locked away no place to go. Encerrados sin lugar adonde ir. Everything is disappearing. Everything is disappearing. Todo lo que está desapareciendo. Angels rush to meet the foolish. Angels rush to meet the foolish. Los ángeles se apresuran a cumplir con los necios. No-one comes to meet me. No-one comes to meet me. Nadie viene a mi encuentro. I'm just buried alive. I'm just buried alive. Estoy enterrado vivo. Nowhere else left to hide Nowhere else left to hide En ningún otro lugar donde esconderse No-one knows me inside. No-one knows me inside. Nadie me conoce por dentro. No-one gets out alive. No-one gets out alive. Nadie sale vivo. (Alive) again donґt breathe a word. (Alive) again donґt breathe a word. (Vivo) de nuevo don Listen hard and hear the silence. Listen hard and hear the silence. Escuchar atentamente y escuchar el silencio. Starve the poor and feed the rich. Starve the poor and feed the rich. Morir de hambre a los pobres y alimentar a los ricos. Thereґs no revolution Thereґs no revolution There Build me up then knock me down. Build me up then knock me down. Build me up luego me llamo abajo. Watch my life collapse around me. Watch my life collapse around me. Ver mis colapso vida a mi alrededor. Prison cells with no release date. Prison cells with no release date. Celdas de la cárcel, sin fecha de lanzamiento. There is no resolution. There is no resolution. No hay ninguna resolución. No-one gets out alive. No-one gets out alive. Nadie sale vivo. Nowhere else left to hide. Nowhere else left to hide. En ningún otro lugar donde esconderse. No-one knows me inside. No-one knows me inside. Nadie me conoce por dentro. I'm just buried alive. I'm just buried alive. Estoy enterrado vivo. Come and get me and take me away Come and get me and take me away Venid a por mí y me llevara I donґt want you to go. I donґt want you to go. Yo don Iґm locked in a nightmare Iґm locked in a nightmare I Where you never stay Where you never stay Donde nunca te quedas It canґt be the end of the show It canґt be the end of the show Se can Head for the wings and then run for your live Head for the wings and then run for your live Jefe de las alas y luego corre por tu vivir I hope you have somewhere to hide I hope you have somewhere to hide Espero que haya un lugar para esconderse The devil, no longer has all the best tunes The devil, no longer has all the best tunes El diablo, ya no tiene todas las mejores canciones We've all been buried alive We've all been buried alive Todos hemos sido enterrado vivo No-one wants to be me No-one wants to be me Nadie quiere ser yo No-one cares if Iґm free No-one cares if Iґm free A nadie le importa si I Only God knows that weґre all buried alive. Only God knows that weґre all buried alive. Sólo Dios sabe que we No-one wants to come and save me. No-one wants to come and save me. Nadie quiere venir a salvarme. No-one wants to save my face. No-one wants to save my face. Nadie quiere salvar la cara. No-one wants to stand beside me. No-one wants to stand beside me. Nadie quiere a mi lado. No-one wants to take my place. No-one wants to take my place. Nadie quiere tomar mi lugar. Nowhere left for me to hide. Nowhere left for me to hide. En ninguna parte me queda por ocultar. Waiting for my paranoia. Waiting for my paranoia. Esperando a que mi paranoia. Way too late to change my mind. Way too late to change my mind. Demasiado tarde para cambiar de opinión. No-one wants to beat me. No-one wants to beat me. Nadie quiere que yo. Locked away no place to go. Locked away no place to go. Encerrados sin lugar adonde ir. Everything is disappearing. Everything is disappearing. Todo lo que está desapareciendo. Angels rush to meet the foolish. Angels rush to meet the foolish. Los ángeles se apresuran a cumplir con los necios. No-one comes to meet me. No-one comes to meet me. Nadie viene a mi encuentro. I'm just buried alive. I'm just buried alive. Estoy enterrado vivo. Nowhere else left to hide Nowhere else left to hide En ningún otro lugar donde esconderse No-one knows me inside. No-one knows me inside. Nadie me conoce por dentro. No-one gets out alive. No-one gets out alive. Nadie sale vivo. No-one wants to be me. No-one wants to be me. Nadie quiere ser yo. No-one cares if i'm free. No-one cares if i'm free. A nadie le importa si soy libre. Only God knows that weґre all buried alive Only God knows that weґre all buried alive Sólo Dios sabe que we