Ohh Ohh Ohh Cell phones and travel stations Cell phones and travel stations Os telefones celulares e estações de viagens Ringtones and new relations Ringtones and new relations Toques e novas relações Say hello to all your friends for me Say hello to all your friends for me Diga Olá para todos os seus amigos para mim Several calls are made to Thailand Several calls are made to Thailand Várias chamadas são feitas para a Tailândia Wound up in Prince Edward Island Wound up in Prince Edward Island Liquidação em Prince Edward Island And my head feels like it's ready to blow And my head feels like it's ready to blow E minha cabeça parece que está pronto para explodir I served and scratched a rainbow I served and scratched a rainbow Eu servi e risquei um arco-íris So curved, I felt the pain go So curved, I felt the pain go Assim, curvo, eu senti a dor passar Through my joints Through my joints Através de minhas articulações And now I don't wanna play And now I don't wanna play E agora eu não quero jogar Swinging down, I sent the birdie Swinging down, I sent the birdie Balançando para baixo, eu mandei o passarinho Downtown, At 7:30 Downtown, At 7:30 Centro da cidade, às 7:30 And I'm convinced that I've got tennis elbow And I'm convinced that I've got tennis elbow E eu estou convencido de que eu tenho o cotovelo de tenista We are lost in the sound We are lost in the sound Nós estamos perdidos no som Close your eyes, and I will twirl you around Close your eyes, and I will twirl you around Feche os olhos, e eu vou rodar em torno de você We are lost in the sound We are lost in the sound Nós estamos perdidos no som Close your eyes, and I will twirl you around Close your eyes, and I will twirl you around Feche os olhos, e eu vou rodar em torno de você We are lost in the sound We are lost in the sound Nós estamos perdidos no som Close your eyes, and I will twirl you around Close your eyes, and I will twirl you around Feche os olhos, e eu vou rodar em torno de você