
Field Notes

Notas de campo

We were heading on home, deasil in me We were heading on home, deasil in me Estávamos indo para casa, deasil em mim Down an old gravel road way out in the country Down an old gravel road way out in the country Por uma velha estrada de cascalho no interior Tuckered out after working the fields all-day Tuckered out after working the fields all-day Cansado depois de trabalhar nos campos o dia todo When all of a sudden off like a shot When all of a sudden off like a shot Quando de repente sai como um tiro That dog took off running barkin his head off That dog took off running barkin his head off Aquele cachorro saiu correndo latindo com a cabeça arrancada Wherever he went, he went like there was hell to pay Wherever he went, he went like there was hell to pay Onde quer que ele fosse, ele ia como se houvesse um inferno para pagar So lickedy split I crashed through the fields So lickedy split I crashed through the fields Divisão tão lambida que eu caí pelos campos Chasin after that hound, and I was hot on his heels Chasin after that hound, and I was hot on his heels Perseguindo aquele cão, e eu estava em seus calcanhares When we both went over the edge of a deep ravine When we both went over the edge of a deep ravine Quando nós dois passamos pela beira de uma ravina profunda As I crawl?d up the bank, cold and soaked to the bon? As I crawl?d up the bank, cold and soaked to the bon? Enquanto eu rastejava pela margem, com frio e encharcado até os ossos A glint caught my eye from the mud where it shown A glint caught my eye from the mud where it shown Um brilho chamou minha atenção da lama onde ele mostrou Something was buried there alongside the stream Something was buried there alongside the stream Algo foi enterrado lá ao lado do riacho Now, the middle of a field is a pretty odd place Now, the middle of a field is a pretty odd place Agora, o meio de um campo é um lugar bem estranho To find a trunk or chest or a crate To find a trunk or chest or a crate Para encontrar um baú ou baú ou uma caixa But buried under the earth I saw a corner exposed But buried under the earth I saw a corner exposed Mas enterrado sob a terra eu vi um canto exposto No there wasn't a map or a note or a key No there wasn't a map or a note or a key Não, não havia um mapa ou uma nota ou uma chave It was clearly forgotten just waiting for me like It was clearly forgotten just waiting for me like Foi claramente esquecido apenas esperando por mim como I was supposed to find it there right under my nose I was supposed to find it there right under my nose Eu deveria encontrá-lo ali bem debaixo do meu nariz It had laid there for years deep in the dirt It had laid there for years deep in the dirt Ele ficou lá por anos no fundo da sujeira So I dug it out and wiped my hands on my shirt So I dug it out and wiped my hands on my shirt Então eu desenterrei e limpei minhas mãos na minha camisa I pried up the lid and excitedly peered inside I pried up the lid and excitedly peered inside Eu levantei a tampa e espiei animadamente dentro And what I saw was a sight to behold And what I saw was a sight to behold E o que eu vi foi um espetáculo para ser visto Cause that tattered old trunk was crammed full of gold Cause that tattered old trunk was crammed full of gold Porque aquele baú velho e esfarrapado estava cheio de ouro My eyes bugged out, it was enough to make an old man cry My eyes bugged out, it was enough to make an old man cry Meus olhos se arregalaram, foi o suficiente para fazer um velho chorar Big golden bricks with a shimmery sheen Big golden bricks with a shimmery sheen Grandes tijolos dourados com um brilho cintilante They were a staggering sight to a poor boy like me They were a staggering sight to a poor boy like me Eles eram uma visão impressionante para um menino pobre como eu And right then and there I knew what I had to do And right then and there I knew what I had to do E ali mesmo eu sabia o que tinha que fazer So with a smile, I sold what little I had So with a smile, I sold what little I had Então, com um sorriso, vendi o pouco que tinha I gave my pots and my pans to my mom and my dad I gave my pots and my pans to my mom and my dad Eu dei minhas panelas e minhas frigideiras para minha mãe e meu pai And then I bought that field 'cause it was my dream come true And then I bought that field 'cause it was my dream come true E então eu comprei aquele campo porque era meu sonho tornado realidade And then full of joy, I said goodbye to my shack And then full of joy, I said goodbye to my shack E então cheio de alegria, eu disse adeus ao meu barraco It wasn't much of a home, so I never looked back It wasn't much of a home, so I never looked back Não era bem uma casa, então nunca olhei para trás And I never questioned the choice I happily made And I never questioned the choice I happily made E eu nunca questionei a escolha que felizmente fiz I said: I need that field, whatever it takes I said: I need that field, whatever it takes Eu disse: eu preciso desse campo, custe o que custar You might call it foolish, but I call it faith You might call it foolish, but I call it faith Você pode chamar isso de tolo, mas eu chamo de fé Trusting in God so gladly you can hardly wait Trusting in God so gladly you can hardly wait Confiando em Deus com tanta alegria que você mal pode esperar And that's how I learned how a rich fella accounts And that's how I learned how a rich fella accounts E foi assim que aprendi como um cara rico conta Its treasure in heaven not under the ground Its treasure in heaven not under the ground Seu tesouro no céu não debaixo da terra Cause betting the farm is well worth the risk Cause betting the farm is well worth the risk Porque apostar que a fazenda vale o risco To carefully keep such a beautiful gift that's yours forever To carefully keep such a beautiful gift that's yours forever Para guardar com cuidado um presente tão lindo que é seu para sempre It's a pretty good deal there's a couple of things more precious than gold It's a pretty good deal there's a couple of things more precious than gold É um bom negócio, há algumas coisas mais preciosas que ouro One is your heart and the others your soul One is your heart and the others your soul Um é o seu coração e os outros a sua alma And you've got something you need that nobody can steal And you've got something you need that nobody can steal E você tem algo que precisa que ninguém pode roubar

Composição: Adam Young

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