
Designer Skyline

Horizonte de grife

Affection, the gifted architect, Affection, the gifted architect, Afeto, o arquiteto talentoso Is making a draft and beautiful design Is making a draft and beautiful design Está fazendo um projeto e belo design The options and possibilities The options and possibilities As opções e possibilidades Are endless when we connect and re-align Are endless when we connect and re-align São infinitas quando ligamos e realinhamos Collections of books and documents Collections of books and documents Coleções de livros e documentos Arise and parade around my cluttered desk Arise and parade around my cluttered desk Aparecem e desfilam em torno de minha mesa cheia Reworking the math and measurements Reworking the math and measurements Refazendo os cálculos e as medições Until I'm convinced these plans are picturesque Until I'm convinced these plans are picturesque Até eu estar convencido de que essas plantas são Like mountains in the Midwest Like mountains in the Midwest pitorescas Como montanhas no Centro-Oeste Reaction creates the columns dark Reaction creates the columns dark A reação cria os mistérios das colunas And wide like the roads around Fort Lauderdale And wide like the roads around Fort Lauderdale E amplos como as estradas ao redor de Fort Lauderdale The structures begin to take their shape The structures begin to take their shape As estruturas começam a tomar sua forma Before I've designed the public monorail Before I've designed the public monorail Antes de eu criar a via pública The turnpike and high-speed motorway The turnpike and high-speed motorway A estrada e a rodovia Connect and enclose the quaint suburban streets Connect and enclose the quaint suburban streets Conecte e inclua as estranhasruas suburbanas The airport, the broad suspension bridge The airport, the broad suspension bridge O aeroporto, a ampla ponte pênsil The lake and the beach where several rivers meet The lake and the beach where several rivers meet O lago e a praia, onde vários rios se encontram Compounded from the spreadsheet Compounded from the spreadsheet Delimitados pela planilha A city sparkles in the night A city sparkles in the night Uma cidade cintila na noite How can it glow so bright? How can it glow so bright? Como pode brilhar tão reluzente? The neighborhoods surround the soft florescent light The neighborhoods surround the soft florescent light Os bairros cercam a suave luz fluorescente Designer skyline in my head Designer skyline in my head Horizonte de gride na minha cabeça Abstract and still well-read Abstract and still well-read Abstrata mas ainda bem definida You went from numbered lines to buildings overhead You went from numbered lines to buildings overhead Você passou de linhas enumeradas para edifícios gigantescos

Composição: Adam Young

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