Sing to me my muses Sing to me my muses Cante para mim minhas musas Lost in hot Cyclops anarchy Lost in hot Cyclops anarchy Perdidas na quente anarquia dos Cyclops Possession, invention ... blood, blood Possession, invention ... blood, blood Possesão,invenção....sangue...sangue Spirits, spirits.... come, cum... Spirits, spirits.... come, cum... Espiritos,espiritos....venham,venham.... Where will these visions lead? Where will these visions lead? Aonde essas visões irão me levar? How far dare i go? How far dare i go? Quão longe devo ir? Where will this song take me? Where will this song take me? Aonde está canção irá me pegar? Into the deep UNKNOWN! Into the deep UNKNOWN! Dentro do profundo desconhecido SPIRITS SPIRITS COME COME! SPIRITS SPIRITS COME COME! ESPIRITOS ESPIRITOS VENHAM VENHAM I. I. 1. All the prophets & the gods came prepared for theirs All the prophets & the gods came prepared for theirs Todos os profetas e os deuses vieram preparados para suas So we dined on the vine of the mind in pairs, So we dined on the vine of the mind in pairs, Então jantamos na videira da mente em pares, Preaching werewolf prayers on our nightly flight Preaching werewolf prayers on our nightly flight Pregando oradores de lobisomens no nosso voo noturno Gestating all we ate in the pale moonlight, Gestating all we ate in the pale moonlight, Todos comemos na lua pálida, Feel the urge of the power surge -- ignite the soul Feel the urge of the power surge -- ignite the soul Sentir a pressa do poder da onda - inflamar a alma Bringing kingdoms under siege with the words that I control, Bringing kingdoms under siege with the words that I control, Trazendo reinos sobre o cerco com as palavras que eu controlo, Got an arsenal, ganja blunts & such Got an arsenal, ganja blunts & such Tenho um arsenal,ganja e tal Only love can set me free from this Patriarchal clutch, Only love can set me free from this Patriarchal clutch, Somente amor pode me libertar dessa embreagem patriarcal Speaking testaments in our secret dialogue Speaking testaments in our secret dialogue Falando testamentos em nosso dialogo secreto While the drones begin to feast on the faces of the hog, While the drones begin to feast on the faces of the hog, Enquanto os zumbidos começam a festejar na façe dos porcos, Take a walk in the wilderness of your mind Take a walk in the wilderness of your mind Dê uma volta no deserto da sua mente Before your soul decides to die & leaves infinity behind Before your soul decides to die & leaves infinity behind Antes que sua alma decida morrer e deixe infinidade para trás [chorus] [chorus] [refrão] POSSESSION POSSESSION POSSESÃO INVENTION INVENTION INVENÇÃO INVITE DISCOVERY INVITE DISCOVERY INVITAR DESCOBERTA SURRENDER SURRENDER RENDER TO PLEASURE TO PLEASURE AO PRAZER LOST IN ECSTASY! LOST IN ECSTASY! PERDIDO NO ECSTASY! SURVIVE SURVIVE SOBREVIVER ALIVE ALIVE VIVO YOU ARE MY ENEMY YOU ARE MY ENEMY VOCÊ É MEU INIMIGO YOU DIED YOU DIED VOCÊ MORREU FOR LIES FOR LIES POR MENTIRAS SLAVES TO MISERY SLAVES TO MISERY ESCRAVOS DE MISÉRIA II. II. 2. Down on the battleground laying waste to competition Down on the battleground laying waste to competition Deitado no campo de batalho disperdiçado pela concorrencia I'm collecting intellects & exhaling solar systems, I'm collecting intellects & exhaling solar systems, Estou coletanto intelectos e exalando sistemas solares I decree mutiny.... I decree mutiny.... Eu decreto motim... It's REVOLUTION US against the Patriarchy, It's REVOLUTION US against the Patriarchy, Essa revolução nossa contra a Patriarca The assembler of souls full of knowledge untold The assembler of souls full of knowledge untold A assembléia de almas cheia de conhecimentos não contados While I'm spinning webs of wisdom, prophecies unfold, While I'm spinning webs of wisdom, prophecies unfold, Enquanto estou fiando teias de sabedoria,profecias desdobrando Into attack mode to decipher the code Into attack mode to decipher the code Sob modo de ataque para decifrar o código Of Babylon's terror spawn - tyranny reloads, Of Babylon's terror spawn - tyranny reloads, Da geração de terror da Babilonia - tiranos reccaregados, Into the mental stasis - apathy erases Into the mental stasis - apathy erases No estagio mental - apatia apagada The urgency of rage & its frightening little places, The urgency of rage & its frightening little places, A urgencia da raiva e isso fritando pequenos lugare, Prepare for warfare Prepare for warfare Prepare para estado de guerra The afterbirth of knowledge is America's nightmare The afterbirth of knowledge is America's nightmare O após-nascimento do conhecimento é o pesadelo da america [chorus] [chorus] [refrão] [bridge] [bridge] [ponte] Sometimes eye sit and ask myself... Sometimes eye sit and ask myself... As vezes eu sento e me pergunto... WHAT HAVE I BECOME!!!??? WHAT HAVE I BECOME!!!??? O QUE EU ME TORNEI??? Something's taking over me... Something's taking over me... Algumas coisas me tomando... POSSESSION POSSESSION POSSESÃO FREE ME NOW FREE ME NOW ME LIBERTE AGORA ASHURA ASHURA ASHURA ISHTAR ISHTAR ISHTAR KALI KALI KALE AVENGE ME ... AVENGE ME. AVENGE ME ... AVENGE ME. VINGA-ME...VINGA-ME Paint your face with the blood of the weak Paint your face with the blood of the weak Pinte sua face com o sangue do fraco Self sacrifice everyone u meet Self sacrifice everyone u meet Auto-sacrifique todo mundo que você encontre Screaming demons in my veins Screaming demons in my veins Demonios gritando em minhas veias Voices of the dead nurturing my pain Voices of the dead nurturing my pain Vozes dos mortos cultivando minha dor I survived I survived Eu sobrevivi I'm alive I'm alive Eu estou vivo I spread the fever I spread the fever Eu espalhei a febre To watch u burn To watch u burn Para ver você queimar Killed your leaders Killed your leaders Matou seus líderes To help u learn To help u learn Para ajudar você entender I survived I survived Eu sobrevivi I'm alive I'm alive Eu estou vivo LIE. LIE. Mentir.