She was created She was created Ela foi criada By human hands By human hands por mãos humanas She was not one of us She was not one of us Ela não é uma de nós Her body is like Her body is like Seu corpo é como A juvenile woman's A juvenile woman's uma mulher juvenil (adolescente) With gorgeous shapes but without a soul With gorgeous shapes but without a soul Com formas magnífica mas sem alma We're dying, we’re crying We're dying, we’re crying Estamos morrendo, estamos chorando Just because she escaped Just because she escaped Devido a ela ter escapado She awaked, she crushed She awaked, she crushed Ela acordou, e quebrou The prison's walls The prison's walls As paredes da prisão We're bleeding, we're trembling We're bleeding, we're trembling Estamos sangrando, e estamos tremendo She's somewhere near us She's somewhere near us Ela está a algum lugar perto de nós She's seeking, she's killing She's seeking, she's killing Ela está espreitando, e está matando Only for revenge Only for revenge Apenas por vingança Andromeda Andromeda Andromeda (She can smell our skin) (She can smell our skin) Ela pode cheirar sua pele Andromeda Andromeda Andromeda She can smell our skin She can smell our skin Ela pode cheirar sua pele And read our fragile minds And read our fragile minds e ler suas frágeis mentes She knows our next move She knows our next move Ela sabe o nosso próximo movimento Her revenge for all years in pain Her revenge for all years in pain Ter sua vingança por todos os anos de dor