
As The Cacodemons Feast

Como la Fiesta Cacodemons

There is a house upon the hill There is a house upon the hill Hay una casa en la colina From which this story is told From which this story is told Desde que esta historia es contada A tale of human cannibals A tale of human cannibals Una historia de caníbales humanos Brought into the fold Brought into the fold Presentado en el redil One cold and stormy night One cold and stormy night Una noche fría y tormentosa When the asylum did not lock When the asylum did not lock Cuando el solicitante no de bloqueo From inside the patients gathered From inside the patients gathered Desde el interior de los pacientes se reunieron They began to plot They began to plot Comenzaron a parcela Delusions of flight Delusions of flight Delirios de vuelo And feasting flesh prevailed And feasting flesh prevailed Y la carne fiesta prevaleció Down the street into the town Down the street into the town Por la calle en la ciudad They began to wail They began to wail Comenzaron a llorar Hear the screams of agony Hear the screams of agony Oír los gritos de agonía This frightful night begins This frightful night begins Esta noche espantosa comienza Fulfilling every fantasy Fulfilling every fantasy El cumplimiento de todas las fantasías Of hatred lust and sin Of hatred lust and sin De la lujuria el odio y el pecado They rip apart they shall not stop They rip apart they shall not stop Se desgarran no se detendrá Repulsion in the street Repulsion in the street Repulsión en la calle Thought to be possessed by hell Thought to be possessed by hell El pensamiento de ser poseída por el infierno As the Cacodemons feast As the Cacodemons feast Como la fiesta Cacodemons Rage by a force not known to man Rage by a force not known to man Rabia por una fuerza no conocida por el hombre Their fangs cut like knives Their fangs cut like knives Sus colmillos cortan como cuchillos Psychosis of consumption Psychosis of consumption La psicosis de consumo They take away your life They take away your life Se llevan su vida To savor this a mortal meal To savor this a mortal meal Para saborear esta comida mortales Humans become a beast Humans become a beast Los seres humanos convertido en una bestia Thought to be possessed by hell Thought to be possessed by hell El pensamiento de ser poseída por el infierno As the Cacodemons feast As the Cacodemons feast Como la fiesta Cacodemons

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