
Torture Tactics

Tácticas de tortura

Walk the path of hate Walk the path of hate Recorrer el camino del odio Leave others to their fate Leave others to their fate Deja que otros a su suerte Never looking back Never looking back Nunca mirar atrás Never feel regret Never feel regret Nunca se sienta arrepentimiento Alone you stand Alone you stand , Estás sólo Alone you fall Alone you fall Solo se cae Feel no pity nor shame Feel no pity nor shame No siento pena ni vergüenza Mercy, you have none Mercy, you have none Mercy, usted no tiene ninguno Fear the revolt will come Fear the revolt will come Miedo a la revuelta vendrá Your laws come from a gun Your laws come from a gun Sus leyes provienen de un arma de fuego Alone you stand Alone you stand , Estás sólo Alone you fall Alone you fall Solo se cae The tread of boots they fear The tread of boots they fear La pisada de las botas que temen The passbooks they must bear The passbooks they must bear Las libretas de ahorro, deberán llevar Freedom, they have none Freedom, they have none La libertad, no tienen ninguna Their only law, a gun Their only law, a gun Su única ley, un arma de fuego Alone you stand Alone you stand , Estás sólo Alone you fall Alone you fall Solo se cae They walk the path oppressed They walk the path oppressed Se recorre el camino oprimidos Their only one release is death Their only one release is death Su único lanzamiento es la muerte Perhaps their day will come Perhaps their day will come Tal vez su día llegará Then they will have the guns Then they will have the guns Entonces tendrán las armas Alone you stand Alone you stand , Estás sólo Alone you fall Alone you fall Solo se cae

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