
To Serve Man

Para Servir al Hombre

Politicians' plastic grin Politicians' plastic grin sonrisa de plástico de los políticos Talking With that alien Talking With that alien Hablando con la que el extranjero We can rest our troubled minds tonight We can rest our troubled minds tonight Podemos descansar nuestra mente esta noche con problemas No solutions here on earth No solutions here on earth No hay soluciones aquí en la tierra The president's a fucking jerk The president's a fucking jerk El presidente es un idiota de mierda Now the answer's coming from the sky Now the answer's coming from the sky Ahora la respuesta es que viene del cielo Oh are the heavens dropping in Oh are the heavens dropping in Oh, son los cielos cayendo en To save us from destruction of ourselves, To save us from destruction of ourselves, Para salvarnos de la destrucción de nosotros mismos, Or have they come to serve man Or have they come to serve man ¿O es que ellos vienen a servir al hombre Armed with a cookbook straight from hell Armed with a cookbook straight from hell Armado con un libro de cocina directamente desde el infierno Saucers come to save our nation Saucers come to save our nation Platillos venido a salvar a nuestra nación Touching down at Union Station Touching down at Union Station Tocando tierra en Union Station Holding summit meetings on the lawn Holding summit meetings on the lawn La celebración de reuniones cumbre sobre el césped The Weekly World was on the ball The Weekly World was on the ball El mundo semanal fue en la pelota The Post and Tribune missed it all The Post and Tribune missed it all La Tribuna de Correos y perdí todo Wait a minute where was I? Wait a minute where was I? Espera un momento donde estaba yo? Oh are the heavens dropping in Oh are the heavens dropping in Oh, son los cielos cayendo en To save us from destruction of ourselves, To save us from destruction of ourselves, Para salvarnos de la destrucción de nosotros mismos, Or have they come to serve man Or have they come to serve man ¿O es que ellos vienen a servir al hombre Armed with a cookbook straight from hell Armed with a cookbook straight from hell Armado con un libro de cocina directamente desde el infierno Now we know from even higher Now we know from even higher Ahora sabemos por aún mayor Which candidate's a bigger liar Which candidate's a bigger liar ¿Qué candidato es un mentiroso más grande From bad to worse who cares who wins the fight From bad to worse who cares who wins the fight De mal en peor a quién le importa quién gane la lucha Don't think I remember when Don't think I remember when No creo recordar cuando You couldn't trust an alien You couldn't trust an alien Usted no podría confiar en un extranjero With propaganda left and right With propaganda left and right Con la propaganda a la izquierda y la derecha Oh are the heavens dropping in Oh are the heavens dropping in Oh, son los cielos cayendo en To save us from destruction of ourselves, To save us from destruction of ourselves, Para salvarnos de la destrucción de nosotros mismos, Or have they come to serve man Or have they come to serve man ¿O es que ellos vienen a servir al hombre Armed with a cookbook straight from hell Armed with a cookbook straight from hell Armado con un libro de cocina directamente desde el infierno

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