
Price of Freedom

Precio de la Libertad

Find a maddened hypocritic holy man to heed Find a maddened hypocritic holy man to heed Encuentre un enloquecido hombre santo hipocritas prestar atención a Hear only the words that you want to Hear only the words that you want to Escuchar sólo las palabras que desea Deny that you are led by a psychotic need Deny that you are led by a psychotic need Negar que son guiados por una necesidad psicóticos To destroy anything that offends you To destroy anything that offends you Para destruir cualquier cosa que le ofende Pay the price of freedom Pay the price of freedom Pagar el precio de la libertad Leave three thousand lying dead upon our streets Leave three thousand lying dead upon our streets Deja tres mil muerto en nuestras calles Use our freedoms to strike at our core Use our freedoms to strike at our core Utilice nuestras libertades para atacar a nuestros principales Rejoice in the results of your desperate killing spree Rejoice in the results of your desperate killing spree Alégrate de los resultados de su juerga de matanza desesperada Object when we react will all out war Object when we react will all out war Objeto cuando reaccionamos a una guerra total As warplanes fly above As warplanes fly above Como aviones de combate sobrevuelan And tanks roll through your flattened homes And tanks roll through your flattened homes Y los tanques de rodar a través de sus casas destruidas You wonder how you could be so misled You wonder how you could be so misled Se pregunta cómo puede ser tan iluso Hear survivors grieve Hear survivors grieve Escucha sobrevivientes duelo And listen to the wounded moan And listen to the wounded moan Y escuchar a los heridos gimen Next time try a peaveful approach instead Next time try a peaveful approach instead La próxima vez que intente un enfoque peaveful lugar

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