The bio-sphere, the place we live The bio-sphere, the place we live A Bioesfera O lugar que vivemos It seems like we don't give a damn It seems like we don't give a damn Parece que não estamos nem aí Other species flushed down the tubes Other species flushed down the tubes Outras espécies deram a descarga We need another race to rape We need another race to rape Precisamos de outra raça para estuprar The way we live, we will destroy The way we live, we will destroy O jeito que vivemos, iremos destruir Every other living thing Every other living thing Todas as outras coisas vivas Till none are left except our race Till none are left except our race Até que nada sobre, exceto nossa raça And then we will destroy ourselves And then we will destroy ourselves E então iremos nos destruir Another oil spill Another oil spill Outro derramamento de óleo Atomic waste displaced Atomic waste displaced Lixo Nuclear deslocado Another forest dies Another forest dies Outra floresta morre Bring on the acid rain Bring on the acid rain Traga a chuva ácida Slightly insane, the type of greed Slightly insane, the type of greed Levemente insano, o tipo de luxúria That makes a world unfit for life That makes a world unfit for life Que faz o mundo indigno de vida Toxic wastes destroy our seas Toxic wastes destroy our seas Lixo tóxico destrói os mares While poison gas pollutes the air While poison gas pollutes the air Enquanto gás venenoso polui o ar A waste of life, while no one cares A waste of life, while no one cares Uma perda de vida, enquanto ninguém dá a mínima The earth becomes a giant tomb The earth becomes a giant tomb O mundo se torna uma cova gigante Critical mass will be achieved Critical mass will be achieved Massa Crítica será atingida And ruins will be all that's left And ruins will be all that's left E assim sobrará apenas ruínas Another oil spill Another oil spill Outro derramamento de óleo Atomic waste displaced Atomic waste displaced Lixo Nuclear deslocado Another forest dies Another forest dies Outra floresta morre *grovvy solo* *grovvy solo* *grovvy solo* A hell on earth, what we create A hell on earth, what we create Um inferno na Terra, o que criamos Dragging life to death with us Dragging life to death with us Arrastando a vida para a morte conosco All living things destroyed or used All living things destroyed or used Todas as coisas vivas, destruídas ou usadas By shortsighted human beings By shortsighted human beings Pelos seres humanos de pouca visão We do these things, let them be done We do these things, let them be done Fazemos essas coisas, deixem elas serem feitas Apathy creates despair Apathy creates despair Apatia cria desespero The damamge done will be too great The damamge done will be too great O dano causado será enorme The world wounded beyond repair The world wounded beyond repair O mundo ferido além do conserto Another oil spill Another oil spill Outro derramamento de óleo Atomic waste displaced Atomic waste displaced Lixo Nuclear deslocado Another forest dies Another forest dies Outra floresta morre