Original Espanhol

What's The Matter With Parents Today?

Qual É A Dos Pais de Hoje Em Dia?

Mom and Dad, how'd you get so rad, when exactly did you get so hip Mom and Dad, how'd you get so rad, when exactly did you get so hip Mãe e pai, quando vocês ficaram tão radicais? Quando exatamente vocês se tornaram tão legais? Wearing teenage clothes you're always coming to my shows Wearing teenage clothes you're always coming to my shows Vestindo roupas de adolescente, vocês sempre estão vindo aos meus shows, And telling me that I should mellow out And telling me that I should mellow out E dizendo que eu deveria relaxar It's absurd, you're singing every word It's absurd, you're singing every word É absurdo, vocês estao cantando cada palavra You're not supposed to like my band. Things I like you don't understand You're not supposed to like my band. Things I like you don't understand Vocês não deveriam gostar da minha banda, das coisas que eu gosto vocês não entendem So please put down that rum and coke, that's no behavior for old folk So please put down that rum and coke, that's no behavior for old folk Então por favor parem com o rum e a coca, isso não é comportamento pra gente velha Can't we just hang out on holidays Can't we just hang out on holidays Não podemos ficar juntos só nos feriados? Dad and Mum, what planet are you from. Dad and Mum, what planet are you from. Pai e mãe, de que planeta vocês são And what convinced you to pack up and leave And what convinced you to pack up and leave E o que convenceu vocês a fazerem as malas e irem embora? Doin drugs and asking me for hugs, what's the matter with parents today Doin drugs and asking me for hugs, what's the matter with parents today Usando drogas e me pedindo abraços, qual é a dos pais de hoje em dia? Not again, when will it end Not again, when will it end De novo não, quando isso vai acabar? Dad's dressing like Motley Crue and why is Mom's hair dyed bright blue Dad's dressing like Motley Crue and why is Mom's hair dyed bright blue Pai tá se vestindo como motley crue e por que o cabelo da mãe tá pintado de azul claro? They're staying out till 2 or 3 and then having sex publicly They're staying out till 2 or 3 and then having sex publicly Eles estão ficando fora até as 2 ou 3 e daí ficam fazendo sexo publicamente I thought the apple fell far from the tree I thought the apple fell far from the tree Eu achei que a maçã caísse longe da árvore Mom and Dad I think you ought, to quit smoking so much pot Mom and Dad I think you ought, to quit smoking so much pot Mãe e pai, eu acho que vocès deveriam parar de fumar tanta maconha And hanging with my friends And hanging with my friends E ficar andando com os meus amigos Laying round on the couch, with my Misfits records out Laying round on the couch, with my Misfits records out Por aí, no sofá com os meus discos do Misfits Softly bangin your heads Softly bangin your heads Balançando suas cabeças suavemente Maybe it's just a passing phase Maybe it's just a passing phase Talvez seja só uma fase passageira What's the matter with my parents these days What's the matter with my parents these days Qual é a dos pais de hoje em dia?

Composição: Mike Burkett/Fat Mike

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