
Oxy Moronic


I've been called an OxyMoron I've been called an OxyMoron Eu fui chamado de oximoro Because I question which drugs our war's on Because I question which drugs our war's on Porque eu questiono contra quais drogas nós lutamos Why are there more drug stores than liquor stores you can score on Why are there more drug stores than liquor stores you can score on Por que há mais farmácias que pubs onde você pode jogar? The healers have become the harmers The healers have become the harmers Os médicos se tornaram prejudiciais They're just pharmaceutical farmers They're just pharmaceutical farmers Eles são só fazendeiros farmacêuticos What we used to call dealers What we used to call dealers O que nós chamávamos de traficantes We now call doctors We now call doctors Agora nós chamamos de médicos I might be a CD Cynic I might be a CD Cynic Eu posso ser um CD Cínico Cause that crack house is now a clinic Cause that crack house is now a clinic Mas aquela casa de crack agora é uma clínica It's time they change the name of the oath to It's time they change the name of the oath to É hora de eles mudarem o nome do Juramento para The hypocritic or the parasitic The hypocritic or the parasitic O hipócrita ou parasita It isn't Adderalltruistic It isn't Adderalltruistic Não é Adderalltruísmo By overprescribing By overprescribing Prescrito How can we fight them in a Suboxone ring How can we fight them in a Suboxone ring Como podemos lutar contra eles em um ringue de Suboxe? I'll throw a Prozacuzation I'll throw a Prozacuzation Vou lançar uma Prozacuzação With a Subketamining With a Subketamining Com uma Subketamineração They'll say my fears are Quaaludacris They'll say my fears are Quaaludacris Eles vão dizer que meus medos são Quaaludacris They should be Ativanishing They should be Ativanishing Eles deveriam Ativanescer With every Demeroltercation With every Demeroltercation Com todas as Demoralterações They'll have a good Xanaxplanation They'll have a good Xanaxplanation Eles terão uma boa Xanexplicação You're just Cialistrated You're just Cialistrated Você só está Cialistragado Cause we made your dick deflated Cause we made your dick deflated Porque nós te deixamos broxa It's OxyMoronic It's OxyMoronic É Oximorônico It's OxyMoronic It's OxyMoronic É Oximorônico It should be doctors getting busted It should be doctors getting busted Os médicos deveriam ser presos For their Klonopinions we trusted For their Klonopinions we trusted Pelas Colonopiniões deles que nós confiamos We're not the sinners, they're the ones We're not the sinners, they're the ones Nós não somos os pecador, eles que That served us the Vicodinners That served us the Vicodinners Nos serviram um Vicodintar I don't want to be an alarmist I don't want to be an alarmist Eu não quero ser alarmista But in that harmacy there's a harmacist But in that harmacy there's a harmacist Mas a farmácia é prejudicial And those scripts are making us Paximple minded pacifists And those scripts are making us Paximple minded pacifists E essas receitas estão nos transformando em pacifistas de mente Paximples It's OxyMoronic It's OxyMoronic É Oximorônico It's OxyMoronic It's OxyMoronic É Oximorônico It's OxyMoronic It's OxyMoronic É Oximorônico It's OxyMoronic It's OxyMoronic É Oximorônico Don't think that I AmBien crazy Don't think that I AmBien crazy Não achem que em tAmBien enlouqueci The medical industrial complex The medical industrial complex O complexo industrial médico Keeps us Viagravated and hard to come Keeps us Viagravated and hard to come Nos deixa Viagrexcitados e sem gozar Because of Percosex Because of Percosex Por causa de Percofodas How can we Hydrocondone How can we Hydrocondone Como podemos Hidrodesculpar Their blatant misconduct Their blatant misconduct Sua óbvia má conduta? They don't care for patients They don't care for patients Eles não ligam para pacientes They care about pushing product They care about pushing product Eles querem nos empurrar produtos! Are you OxyMoronic Are you OxyMoronic Você é oxímorônico For wanting your daily chronic For wanting your daily chronic Por querer sua dor cronica diária And making your mom's house hydroponic And making your mom's house hydroponic E tornar a casa da sua mãe hidropônica? You're OxyMoronic You're OxyMoronic Você é oxímorônico I've been called an OxyMoron I've been called an OxyMoron Eu fui chamado de oxímoro For getting my metaphor on For getting my metaphor on Por manter a minha metáfora Linoleum is a Flooron Linoleum is a Flooron Linóleo é um piso I'm an OxyMoron I'm an OxyMoron Eu sou um oxímoro It's time to be alarmed It's time to be alarmed É hora de se assustar We're not being healed, we're being harmed We're not being healed, we're being harmed Nós não estamos sendo curado, nós estamos sendo prejudicados Our country's being factory farmed Our country's being factory farmed Nosso país está sendo fabricado farmaceuticamente It's OxyMoronic It's OxyMoronic É oximorônico It's time to sound the alarma It's time to sound the alarma É hora de soar o alarme We can't put our faith in karma We can't put our faith in karma Não podemos colocar nossa fé em carma We got a common enemy We got a common enemy Temos um inimigo comum And they're called Big Pharma And they're called Big Pharma E ele se chama Grande Farmácia And it's OxyMoronic And it's OxyMoronic E é oximorônico And it's OxyMoronic And it's OxyMoronic E é oximorônico It's all OxyMoronic It's all OxyMoronic É tudo oximorônico It's all OxyMoronic It's all OxyMoronic É tudo oximorônico Daily chronic, now most of your house is, okay Daily chronic, now most of your house is, okay Dor cronica, agora a maioria da sua casa está bem Most of your house is what does that even mean? Most of your house is what does that even mean? A maioria da sua casa, o que isso significa mesmo? He's turned most of his house into hydroponic He's turned most of his house into hydroponic Ele transformou a maioria das casas em hidropônicas Why wouldn't he have turned all of it into hydroponic? Why wouldn't he have turned all of it into hydroponic? Por que não todas as casas se tornarem hidropônicas? Well cause he lives there Well cause he lives there Bem, porque ele vive lá Now all of your house is hydroponic Now all of your house is hydroponic Agora todas as suas casas são hidropônicas Most is sappy. Really, it's like saying maybe Most is sappy. Really, it's like saying maybe Maioria é sentimental. Sério, é como dizer Talvez How about Now your mom's house is hydroponic? How about Now your mom's house is hydroponic? O que acha de: Agora a casa da sua mãe é hidropônica? Yes! That's fucking way better Yes! That's fucking way better Isso! É muito melhor, porra God, you fucking woke up God, you fucking woke up Deus, até que em fim você acordou, caralho Come on, Mike, where you've been? Come on, Mike, where you've been? Qual é, Mike, onde você esteve? Shut the fuck up, fool Shut the fuck up, fool Cala essa merda de boca, idiota Where you've been all month? Where you've been all month? Onde você esteve o mês inteiro?

Composição: Fat Mike

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