
Black Death

Morte escura

The countess was laughing The countess was laughing A condessa estava rindo She looked out the plague from her throne She looked out the plague from her throne Ela foi cuidadosa com a peste em seu trono By the gate in the darkness By the gate in the darkness Pelos portões das trevas The crowd was screaming in pain The crowd was screaming in pain O publico gritava em dor Cursed of sickness by starving Cursed of sickness by starving Maldição da enfermidade pela fome People dying slow People dying slow Pessoas morrendo devagar They are burning their bodies, the victims They are burning their bodies, the victims Eles estão queimando seus corpos, as vitimas The plague got in hold The plague got in hold A peste tomou conta The plague is getting in its hold The plague is getting in its hold A peste esta tomando conta There is no way to escape There is no way to escape Não há como escapar The old man conquered her throne The old man conquered her throne O velho conquisto ou trono dela So it's been told So it's been told Assim foi dito A new day was rising A new day was rising Um novo dia estava começando The unknown came riding along The unknown came riding along O desconhecido veio cavalgando An old man with power and strength An old man with power and strength Um velho com poder e força To conquer the throne To conquer the throne Para conquistar o trono In shelter of darkness In shelter of darkness Em proteção da escuridão The people were standing strong The people were standing strong As pessoas estavam fortes By their leader the old man By their leader the old man Pelo seu líder, o velho They are hunting the countess down They are hunting the countess down Eles estavam caçando a condessa

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