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The Climb

A Escalada

Step by step I come closer to reaching the top Step by step I come closer to reaching the top Every step must be placed so that I don't fall off Every step must be placed so that I don't fall off Looking down to see about how much higher I am Looking down to see about how much higher I am Passo a passo eu me aproximo do topo Another cool wind comes through brushes my skin Another cool wind comes through brushes my skin Todos os passos devem ser colocados para eu não cair Olho para baixo para ver quão alto estou The harder I push the tension does grow The harder I push the tension does grow Algum vento frio vem, tocando levemente a minha pele. I gather my thoughts the further and further I go I gather my thoughts the further and further I go A dificuldade me empurra, faz a tensão crescer. With some luck I just might keep on climbing With some luck I just might keep on climbing Eu junto meus pensamentos o "mais adiante mais adiante eu vou". So better to climb than to face a fall So better to climb than to face a fall Com alguma sorte, eu apenas continuo subindo. Então melhor subir que encarar a queda [Chorus:] [Chorus:] Tão elevada a subida So high the climb So high the climb Não posso voltar agora Can't turn back now Can't turn back now Devo continuar subindo para as nuvens Must keep climbing up to the clouds Must keep climbing up to the clouds Tão elevada a subida So high the climb So high the climb Não posso voltar agora Can't turn back now Can't turn back now Devo continuar subindo para as nuvens Must keep climbing up to the clouds Must keep climbing up to the clouds Puxando-me por uma corda eu melhoro minha opinião A única coisa em vista é o que eu devo fazer Pulling myself up by a rope I better my view Pulling myself up by a rope I better my view Como eu virei, posso ver-me caindo. The only thing in sight is what I must do The only thing in sight is what I must do Que em troca deu-me força para subir As I turned I could see myself falling As I turned I could see myself falling Refrão Which in turn gave me strength for the climb Which in turn gave me strength for the climb Ainda que muitos falharam Eu devo agora vencer sem nenhuma dúvida [Chorus] [Chorus] Não tenho tempo pra parar Progressivamente para o topo da montanha Although many failed Although many failed e eu não posso voltar agora I must now prevail with no question I must now prevail with no question É tão alta, mas eu não posso voltar agora Have no time to stop Have no time to stop Se eu continuar, eu estou conseguindo Onward to the top of the mountain Onward to the top of the mountain Eu estou tão perto que você não pode ver And I can't turn back now And I can't turn back now Refrão It's so very high but I can't turn back now It's so very high but I can't turn back now Eu estou chegando perto... If I keep it up, I'm gonna make it If I keep it up, I'm gonna make it I'm so very close can't you see I'm so very close can't you see [Chorus] [Chorus] I'm getting closer... I'm getting closer...

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