

Todos os dias

When I look around I cannot take for granted When I look around I cannot take for granted Quando eu olho em volta, não posso tomar por garantido Please give to me the favor I've been handed Please give to me the favor I've been handed Por favor, dê-me o favor de ter sido proferida All the miracles and wonders I have witnessed All the miracles and wonders I have witnessed Todos os milagres e maravilhas que tenho testemunhado I do not guess - I know that I am truly blessed I do not guess - I know that I am truly blessed Não adivinho eu sei que sou verdadeiramente abençoada I must keep the faith, no matter what I'm seeing I must keep the faith, no matter what I'm seeing Eu preciso manter a fé nao importa o que estou vendo 'Cuz that's the key unlocking or receiving 'Cuz that's the key unlocking or receiving porque aquela é a chave do desbloqueio ou recebimento The impossible taking place in my life The impossible taking place in my life o impossivel esta tomando lugar em minha vida The greatest steps ascending through those higher hights The greatest steps ascending through those higher hights os maiores passos ascendendo sobre os mais altos I got my health, I got my strength, I'm in my right mind I got my health, I got my strength, I'm in my right mind Eu tenho a minha saúde, eu tenho a minha força, eu estou no meu perfeito juízo I still have breath so I got hope that love is on my side I still have breath so I got hope that love is on my side eu ainda tenho folego, entao eu tenho esperança que o amor esta ao meu lado And where I go I know I need not look behind me And where I go I know I need not look behind me e aonde eu vou eu sei que eu nao preciso olhar pra tras He keeps me safe and this is something he does everyday He keeps me safe and this is something he does everyday ele me mantem salva, isto é uma coisa que ele faz todos os dias

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