
And All That Could Have Been

E Tudo o Que Poderia Ter Sido

Breeze still carries the sound Breeze still carries the sound A brisa ainda carrega o som, Maybe i'll disappear Maybe i'll disappear Talvez eu desapareça. Tracks will fade in the snow Tracks will fade in the snow As marcas sumirão na neve, You won't find me here You won't find me here Você não me encontrará aqui. Ice is starting to form Ice is starting to form Gelo está começando a se formar, Ending what had begun Ending what had begun Terminando o que havia começado. I am locked in my head I am locked in my head Eu estou trancado na minha cabeça With what i've done With what i've done Com o que fiz. I know you tried to rescue me I know you tried to rescue me Eu sei que você tentou me resgatar, Didn't let anyone get in Didn't let anyone get in Não deixou que ninguém entrasse. Left with a trace of all that was Left with a trace of all that was Deixado com um rastro de tudo o que foi... And all that could have been And all that could have been E tudo o que poderia ter sido. Please, Take this Please, Take this Por favor, Pegue isso And run far away, Far away from me And run far away, Far away from me E corra pra bem longe, Bem longe de mim. I am tainted I am tainted Eu estou estragado. The two of us Were never meant to be The two of us Were never meant to be Nós dois não fomos destinados a ficarmos juntos. All these pieces and promises and left behinds All these pieces and promises and left behinds Todos esses pedaços e promessas e abandonos, If only i could see If only i could see Se ao menos eu pudesse ver. In my nothing In my nothing Em meu nada You meant everything, everything to me You meant everything, everything to me Você significava tudo, Tudo para mim. Gone Gone Foi-se Fading Fading devaneando Everything Everything Tudo o que precisamos é um pouco de respeito And And E All that All that Tudo o que Could have been Could have been Poderia ter sido. Could have been Could have been Poderia ter sido. Please, take this Please, take this Por favor, pegue isso And run far away, far as you can see And run far away, far as you can see E corra pra bem longe, tão longe quanto puder. I am tainted I am tainted Eu estou estragado And happiness and peace of mind And happiness and peace of mind E felicidade e tranqüilidade de estado were never meant for me were never meant for me Não foram feitas para mim. All these pieces and promises and left behinds All these pieces and promises and left behinds Todos esses pedaços e promessas e abandonos, If only i could see If only i could see Se ao menos eu pudesse ver. In my nothing In my nothing Em meu nada You meant everything, everything to me You meant everything, everything to me Você significava tudo, tudo para mim.

Composição: Danny Lohner/Trent Reznor

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