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My harvest will come, tiny valorous straw My harvest will come, tiny valorous straw Minha colheita chegará, minúscula palha valorosa Among the millions facing to the Sun Among the millions facing to the Sun Entre os milhões que estão voltados para o Sol I will pause before a man whose path has just begun I will pause before a man whose path has just begun farei uma pausa diante de um homem cujo caminho está apenas começando Something unsung our way comes Something unsung our way comes Algo desconhecido no nosso caminho vem The quarternary code gave mankind a rose The quarternary code gave mankind a rose a humanidade uma rosa So we could see the beautiful dye So we could see the beautiful dye Para que pudéssemos ver o belo corante Strange piece of storm hovers over crops Strange piece of storm hovers over crops Estranho pedaço de tempestade paira sobre as culturas In a child's face aglow before the scythe In a child's face aglow before the scythe No rosto de uma criança brilha diante da foice Join the harvest of hundred fields, hearty and tame Join the harvest of hundred fields, hearty and tame Junte-se à colheita de cem campos, calorosos e mansos All going back to one single grain All going back to one single grain Tudo voltando a um único grão Offer light to the coming day, inspire a child Offer light to the coming day, inspire a child Ofereça luz para o dia seguinte, inspire uma criança Water the field, surrender to the earth Water the field, surrender to the earth Regue o campo, renda-se à terra Water the field, surrender to the earth Water the field, surrender to the earth Regue o campo, renda-se à terra <br > Regam o campo, rendem-se à terra Water the field, surrender to the earth Water the field, surrender to the earth Eles têm beleza além da poesia, mas escolhem uma miséria silenciosa They have beauty beyond the poetry but choose a silent misery They have beauty beyond the poetry but choose a silent misery Quanto mais profundo o mar, menos restos The deeper their sea, the less remains The deeper their sea, the less remains Eles encontrarão palavras bonitas e bandos mansos They'll find the pretty words and tame flocks to herd They'll find the pretty words and tame flocks to herd rebanho There's that or carousel of dare There's that or carousel of dare Não há isso ou carrossel de desafio Join the harvest of hundred fields, hearty and tame Join the harvest of hundred fields, hearty and tame Junte-se à colheita de cem campos, calorosos e mansos All going back to one single grain All going back to one single grain Todos voltando a um único grão Offer light to the coming day, inspire a child Offer light to the coming day, inspire a child Ofereça luz para o dia seguinte, inspire uma criança Water the field, surrender to the earth Water the field, surrender to the earth Regue o campo, renda-se à terra Water the field, surrender to the earth Water the field, surrender to the earth regue o campo, renda-se à terra Join the harvest of hundred fields Join the harvest of hundred fields Junte-se à colheita de cem campos Join the harvest of hundred fields, hearty and tame Join the harvest of hundred fields, hearty and tame Junte-se à colheita de cem campos, caloroso e manso All going back to one single grain All going back to one single grain Tudo voltando para um único grão Offer light to the coming day, inspire a child Offer light to the coming day, inspire a child Ofereça luz para o dia seguinte, inspire uma criança Water the field, surrender to the earth Water the field, surrender to the earth Regue o campo, renda-se à terra Join the harvest of hundred fields, hearty and tame Join the harvest of hundred fields, hearty and tame Junte-se à colheita de cem campos, calorosos e mansos All going back to one single grain All going back to one single grain Tudo voltando para um único grão Offer light to the coming day, inspire a child Offer light to the coming day, inspire a child Ofereça luz para o dia seguinte, inspire uma criança Water the field, surrender to the earth Water the field, surrender to the earth Regue o campo, renda-se à terra Surrender to the earth Surrender to the earth Renda-se à terra Arrive alive Arrive alive Chegue vivo

Composição: Troy Donockley, Floor Jansen, Tuomas Holopainen, Marko Hietala, Kai Hahto, Emppu Vuorinen

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