Refren: Refren: Refren: I wanna share my life with I wanna share my life with Quiero compartir mi vida con Because I do Because I do Porque yo sí And I give everything to you And I give everything to you Y le doy todo lo que le Because I know everything about you Because I know everything about you Porque yo sé todo sobre ti Life is gorgeous just with you. Life is gorgeous just with you. La vida es hermosa solo a su lado. I: I: I: Life goes on like a movie Life goes on like a movie La vida sigue como una película And we are the actors following a fate And we are the actors following a fate Y nosotros somos los actores después de un destino All this years I have waited All this years I have waited Todos estos años he esperado That day we would be togheter That day we would be togheter Ese día se togheter Thank you for all the joy Thank you for all the joy Gracias por toda la alegría You brang into my life You brang into my life Usted Brang en mi vida Once upon a time Once upon a time Había una vez He was my guy just for a while He was my guy just for a while Él era mi tío sólo por un rato I found a real love all this time I found a real love all this time Me encontré con un verdadero amor todo este tiempo But no one made me feel like you do. But no one made me feel like you do. Pero nadie me hizo sentir como que usted hace. Refren:.. Refren:.. Refren: .. III: III: III: I gotta go where I belong I gotta go where I belong Tengo que ir a donde pertenezco I gotta learn everything from your heart I gotta learn everything from your heart Tengo que aprender todo desde el corazón I gotta go where I belong I gotta go where I belong Tengo que ir a donde pertenezco I wanna feel, tell me how I need to feel I wanna feel, tell me how I need to feel Quiero sentir, dime cómo tengo que sentir 'I really wanna know, hey, I need to know 'I really wanna know, hey, I need to know "Realmente quiero saber, bueno, tengo que saber What;s right or what is wrong.' What;s right or what is wrong.' Lo que, s bien o qué está mal ".