Original Espanhol

Super Bon Bon

Super bon bon

Move aside Move aside Mover aparte and let the man go through and let the man go through e deixar o homem passar por let the man go through let the man go through deixar o homem passar por If I stole If I stole Se me roubaram Somebody else's wave Somebody else's wave Alguem da vaga To fly up. To fly up. Para voar para cima If I rose If I rose Se eu subi Up with the avenue Up with the avenue Ate com a avenida Behind me. Behind me. Atras de mim Some kind of verb. Some kind of verb. Algum tipo de verbo Some kind of moving thing. Some kind of moving thing. Algum tipo de coisa que se desloca Something unseen. Something unseen. Algo icognoscivel Some hand is motioning Some hand is motioning Alguma mao e o motivo to rise, to rise, to rise. to rise, to rise, to rise. para subir,para subir,para subir Too fat, fat you must cut lean. Too fat, fat you must cut lean. Exesso de gordura,voce tem que cortar a gordura magra You got to take the elevator to the mezzanine, You got to take the elevator to the mezzanine, Voce comecou a tomar o elevador ate o mazanino Chump, change, and it's on, Super bon bon Chump, change, and it's on, Super bon bon Mudar,e e sobre,super bon bon Super bon bon, Super bon bon. Super bon bon, Super bon bon. Super bon bon,super bon,bon And by And by E por The phone The phone O telefone I live I live Eu vivo In fear In fear Em medo Sheer Chance Sheer Chance Chance pura Will draw Will draw Tirara You in You in Voce em To here. To here. Para aqui Too fat, fat you must cut lean. Too fat, fat you must cut lean. Exesso de gordura,voce tem que cortar a gordura magra You got to take the elevator to the mezzanine, You got to take the elevator to the mezzanine, Voce comecou a tomar o elevador ate o mazanino Chump, change, and it's on, Super bon bon Chump, change, and it's on, Super bon bon Mudar,e e sobre,super bon bon Super bon bon, Super bon bon. Super bon bon, Super bon bon. Super bon bon,Super bon bon

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