
Leader of Men

líder de hombres

Tell your friends not to think aloud Tell your friends not to think aloud Dile a tus amigos que no piense en voz alta Until they swallow Until they swallow Hasta que se tragan Whisper things into my brain Whisper things into my brain Susurro cosas en mi cerebro Your voice sounds so hollow Your voice sounds so hollow Su voz suena tan vacío I am not a leader of men I am not a leader of men Yo no soy un líder de hombres Since I prefer to follow Since I prefer to follow Desde que prefieren seguir Do you think I could have a drink Do you think I could have a drink ¿Crees que podría tener un bebe Since it's so hard to swallow Since it's so hard to swallow Puesto que es tan difícil de aceptar So hard to swallow So hard to swallow Por lo tanto difícil de tragar So turn the television off So turn the television off Así que apague la televisión and I will sing a song and I will sing a song y voy a cantar una canción And if you suddenly have the urge And if you suddenly have the urge Y si de repente tiene la necesidad You can sing along You can sing along Puede cantar I touch your hand, I touch your face I touch your hand, I touch your face Toco tu mano, me toque la cara I think the fruit is rotten I think the fruit is rotten Creo que la fruta está podrida Give me lessons on how to breath Give me lessons on how to breath Dame lecciones sobre la forma de respirar Cause I think I've forgotten Cause I think I've forgotten Porque creo que he olvidado I think I've forgotten I think I've forgotten Creo que he olvidado One day, up to a cliff One day, up to a cliff Un día, hasta un acantilado That overlooked the water That overlooked the water Eso pasa por alto el agua I jumped in to save a girl I jumped in to save a girl Salté para salvar a una niña It was somebody's daughter It was somebody's daughter Era hija de alguien And now the ring is on my hand And now the ring is on my hand Y ahora el anillo está en mi mano It was given to me by her It was given to me by her Se me fue dada por su To this day we all sit around To this day we all sit around Para este día todos nos sentamos alrededor de And dream of ways to get higher And dream of ways to get higher Y el sueño de la manera de conseguir más arriba To get much higher To get much higher Para conseguir mucho más alto

Composição: Chad Kroeger/Nickelback

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