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Leader of Men

Líder de Homens

Tell your friends not to think aloud Tell your friends not to think aloud Diga aos seus amigos para não pensar em voz alta Until they swallow Until they swallow Até que eles acreditem Whisper things into my brain Whisper things into my brain Suspirando coisas em minha mente Your voice sounds so hollow Your voice sounds so hollow Sua voz soa tão vazia I am not a leader of men I am not a leader of men Eu não sou um líder de homens Since I prefer to follow Since I prefer to follow Desde que eu escolhi seguir os outros Do you think I could have a drink Do you think I could have a drink Você acha que eu posso beber Since it's so hard to swallow Since it's so hard to swallow Mas isso é tão difícil de engolir So hard to swallow So hard to swallow Tão difícil de engolir So turn the television off So turn the television off Desligue sua televisão and I will sing a song and I will sing a song E eu vou cantar uma música And if you suddenly have the urge And if you suddenly have the urge Se você de repente se encorajar You can sing along You can sing along Você pode cantar junto. I touch your hand, I touch your face I touch your hand, I touch your face Eu toco sua mão, eu toco sua face I think the fruit is rotten I think the fruit is rotten Eu acho que o fruto esta podre Give me lessons on how to breath Give me lessons on how to breath Ensine-me como respirar Cause I think I've forgotten Cause I think I've forgotten Porque eu acho que eu me esqueci I think I've forgotten I think I've forgotten Eu acho que eu esqueci. One day, up to a cliff One day, up to a cliff Um dia, em cima de um penhasco That overlooked the water That overlooked the water Que tem uma boa vista da água I jumped in to save a girl I jumped in to save a girl Eu pulei e salvei uma garota It was somebody's daughter It was somebody's daughter Que era filha de alguém And now the ring is on my hand And now the ring is on my hand E agora o anel que está na minha mão It was given to me by her It was given to me by her Foi ela que me deu To this day we all sit around To this day we all sit around E desde esse dia, nós nos sentamos juntos And dream of ways to get higher And dream of ways to get higher E sonhamos com maneiras de ficar mais alto To get much higher To get much higher De ficar mais alto.

Composição: Chad Kroeger/Nickelback

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