
Doubts Even Here

Dúvidas Ainda Aqui

Those steps which seem to take a lifetime Those steps which seem to take a lifetime Estes passos que parecem durar uma eternidade When eyes just turn and stare When eyes just turn and stare Quando os olhos acabam de se virar e observar The day begins, collapsing without warning The day begins, collapsing without warning O dia começa, desmoronando sem aviso You fade from sight, there's nothing there You fade from sight, there's nothing there Você some de vista, não há nada mais lá No hope allowed, calls are answered daily No hope allowed, calls are answered daily Nenhuma esperança permitida, chamadas são respondidas diariamente Questions are on your side Questions are on your side As perguntas te rodeiam Deeply moved, beyond all consolation Deeply moved, beyond all consolation Profundamente arrasado, além de qualquer consolo You felt the pulse, now hear the cry You felt the pulse, now hear the cry Você sentiu a pulsação, agora escute o choro In my mind, thoughts are becoming clearer In my mind, thoughts are becoming clearer Na minha mente, os pensamentos se tornam mais claros I'm watching every move you make I'm watching every move you make Assisto a cada passo que você dá Counting time spent in observation Counting time spent in observation Calculando o tempo gasto na observação A single blow a false mistake A single blow a false mistake Um simples golpe, um erro falso Then you revealed to me Then you revealed to me Aí, você se revelou para mim All that I need to know now All that I need to know now Isto é tudo que eu preciso saber agora (The close went down to times (The close went down to times (O fim se pôs muitas vezes too, too much behind us) too, too much behind us) Atrás de nós) Then please don't turn away, Then please don't turn away, Então, por favor, não vá embora Why can't I talk to you now? Why can't I talk to you now? Por que não posso falar com você agora? (The number of forgotten years (The number of forgotten years (O número de anos esquecidos Where my honor isn't deepest Where my honor isn't deepest Onde minha honra é rasa Grows the deepest feeling and it Grows the deepest feeling and it Cresce um sentimento intenso que Grieved for safety and despair) Grieved for safety and despair) Sofre por proteção e desespero There's nowhere left to go There's nowhere left to go Não há mais nenhum lugar para ir Where is this taking her and how? Where is this taking her and how? Para onde e como isto está a levando? (The torish threats forevermore (The torish threats forevermore O torish ameaça para sempre Over our natural favor Over our natural favor Sobre nosso genuíno favor And us and he's and I'll fall And us and he's and I'll fall E nós e ele tombaremos Far in it, and it sees enough Far in it, and it sees enough Longe nisto e parece o suficiente In our failures and it's not time.) In our failures and it's not time.) Em nossos fracassos e não é tempo) There's nothing more I want There's nothing more I want Não há nada que eu queira mais To know beyond your trust now To know beyond your trust now Do que conhecer além da sua confiança agora (I missed his promised time again (I missed his promised time again (Eu gastei o tempo prometido novamente For my friend) For my friend) Por meu amigo Don't throw our joy away Don't throw our joy away Não jogue nossa alegria fora Why must you just you leave now? Why must you just you leave now? Por que você precisa ir embora logo agora? (Has God forgotten to approach us? (Has God forgotten to approach us? (Teria Deus se esquecido de atender nossas preces? Has He rememberd to not despise us?) Has He rememberd to not despise us?) Teria ele se lembrado de não nos desprezar? Memories are all that's left Memories are all that's left Memórias são tudo o que resta I need you near to me now I need you near to me now Eu preciso de você perto de mim agora (There, now, now, don't come to mind my deeds (There, now, now, don't come to mind my deeds Lá, agora, agora, não se recorde de meus atos And call out in defiance of times gone by) And call out in defiance of times gone by) E grite em oposição aos tempos que passaram

Composição: New Order

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