i can't believe that i could believe that i can't believe that i could believe that No puedo creer que yo podía creer que i can't believe left me for dead man i can't believe left me for dead man No puedo creer que me dieron por muerto cause' i called you my friend cause' i called you my friend causa "Te he llamado a mi amigo my best friend at that my best friend at that mi mejor amigo en el que i know that i'm loud man i know that i'm loud man Yo sé que soy el hombre fuerte but give me another chance but give me another chance pero me dan otra oportunidad i promise to keep this damn snout shut for you i promise to keep this damn snout shut for you Me comprometo a mantener este cierre el hocico maldito para usted but only for you but only for you pero sólo para ti cause' i love you cause' i love you causa "te quiero i should've seen the boredom in your eyes i should've seen the boredom in your eyes Debería haber visto el aburrimiento en los ojos you dropped me off and you said your goodbyes you dropped me off and you said your goodbyes que me dejó y me dijo que su adiós cause' dad i called you my friend cause' dad i called you my friend causa "papá te he llamado a mi amigo my best friend at that my best friend at that mi mejor amigo en el que i know that i'm loud man i know that i'm loud man Yo sé que soy el hombre fuerte but give me another chance but give me another chance pero me dan otra oportunidad i promise to keep this damn snout shut for you i promise to keep this damn snout shut for you Me comprometo a mantener este cierre el hocico maldito para usted but only for you but only for you pero sólo para ti cause' loved you cause' loved you causa "amado i saw man on the side of the road i saw man on the side of the road Vi al hombre en la orilla de la carretera he said take my hand; that man threw me a bone he said take my hand; that man threw me a bone dijo toma mi mano, que el hombre me tiró un hueso cause' one man's trash is another man's treasure cause' one man's trash is another man's treasure causa "la basura de uno es el tesoro de otro hombre the way that he made me feel was better then ever the way that he made me feel was better then ever la forma en que él me hizo sentir fue mejor que nunca he told me he loved me; he meant it forever he told me he loved me; he meant it forever él me dijo que me amaba, lo decía en serio para siempre i love him. i love him. i love him. cause' he loves me. cause' he loves me. causa "que me ama. that's all i've ever wanted. that's all i've ever wanted. eso es todo lo que he querido. was to feel love. was to feel love. fue sentir el amor.