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Down By The River

Descendo pelo rio

Be on my side or be on your side, Be on my side or be on your side, Fique do meu lado Que vou estar do seu lado There is no reason for you to hide, There is no reason for you to hide, Não há razões Para se esconder This much madness is too much sorrow, This much madness is too much sorrow, É tão díficil pra mim Ficar aqui sozinho It's impossible to make it today, It's impossible to make it today, Quando você pode Me levar parar um passeio Hey, hey, ooh-ooh Hey, hey, ooh-ooh Hey, hey, ooh-ooh She could drag me over the rainbow, She could drag me over the rainbow, Sim, pode me arrastar para Além do arco-íris Send me away. Send me away. Me levar para longe Down by the river Down by the river Descendo pelo rio I shot my baby I shot my baby Eu atirei no meu amor Down by the river, Down by the river, Descendo pelo rio Dead - shot her dead. Dead - shot her dead. Morta,oh, tiro da sua morte You take my hand, I'll take your hand, You take my hand, I'll take your hand, Você pega minha mão Eu pego a sua mão Together we may get away. Together we may get away. Juntos podemos fugir

Composição: Neil Young

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