Harbours opened their arms to the young searching foreigner Harbours opened their arms to the young searching foreigner Portos abriam seus braços para receberr jovens estrangeiros Come to live in the light of the beacon of liberty Come to live in the light of the beacon of liberty que vinham para viver nas luzes dos faróis da liberdades Planes and open skies, billboards would advertise Planes and open skies, billboards would advertise aviões e céus abertos, cartazes que anunciavam Was it anything like that when you arrived Was it anything like that when you arrived que isso era uma coisa para todos os que chegavam Dreamboats carry the future to the heart of America Dreamboats carry the future to the heart of America barcos de sonhos conduziam o futuro para o coração da América People were waiting in line for a place by the river People were waiting in line for a place by the river Pessoas esperavam em fila por um lugar para cruzar o rio It was a time when strangers were welcome here It was a time when strangers were welcome here Essse era um tempo em que estranhos eram bemvindos aqui Music would play, they tell me the days were sweet and clear Music would play, they tell me the days were sweet and clear Musica tocava, eles me diziam que os dias eram doces e claros It was a sweeter tune and there was so much room that people could come from everywhere It was a sweeter tune and there was so much room that people could come from everywhere Era uma doce melodia e havia tanto espaço que as pessoas podiam vir de qualquer lugar Now he arrives with his hopes and his heart set on miracles Now he arrives with his hopes and his heart set on miracles Agora eles chegam com esperanças em seu coração esperando milagres Come to marry his fortune with a hand full of promises Come to marry his fortune with a hand full of promises vem para casar com a fortuna e sua mão cheia de promessas to find they've closed the door, they don't want him anymore to find they've closed the door, they don't want him anymore para encontar uma porta fechada, não os querem mais aqui isn't anymore to go around isn't anymore to go around nunca mais a sua volta Turning away he remembers he once heard Turning away he remembers he once heard Então eles se recordam que ouviram uma vez a legend that spoke of a mystical magical land called America a legend that spoke of a mystical magical land called America de uma lenda que falava de uma terra mistica e mágica chamada América There was a time when strangers were welcome here There was a time when strangers were welcome here Havia um tempo em que estranhos eram bemvindos aqui Music would play, they tell me the days were sweet and clear Music would play, they tell me the days were sweet and clear Musica tocava, eles me diziam que os dias eram doces e claros It was a sweeter tune and there was so much room that people could come from everywhere It was a sweeter tune and there was so much room that people could come from everywhere Era uma doce melodia e havia tanto lugar que as pessoas podiam vir de qualquer lugar There was a time when strangers were welcome here There was a time when strangers were welcome here Havia um tempo em que estranhos eram bemvindos aqui Music would play, they tell me the days were sweet and clear Music would play, they tell me the days were sweet and clear Musica tocava, eles me diziam que os dias eram doces e claros There was a time when strangers were welcome here There was a time when strangers were welcome here Havia um tempo em que estranhos eram bemvindos aqui Music would play, they tell me the days were sweet and clear Music would play, they tell me the days were sweet and clear Musica tocava, eles me diziam que os dias eram doces e claros