Distracting from
Your deficiencies
While you point at others.
(once) enlightened
You judge and execute.
To be the only one
To discover the seven,
(to) toss open and pass
The gates to heaven.
[solo: muenzner]
Distracting from Distracting from Distraído de Your deficiencies Your deficiencies Suas deficiências While you point at others. While you point at others. Enquanto você aponta para os outros. (once) enlightened (once) enlightened (uma vez) iluminado You judge and execute. You judge and execute. Você julga e executa. To be the only one To be the only one Por ser o único To discover the seven, To discover the seven, A descobrir o Sete (to) toss open and pass (to) toss open and pass (para) abrir jogando e passar The gates to heaven. The gates to heaven. Os portões do Paraíso. [solo: muenzner] [solo: muenzner] [solo: muenzner]