Sculptures made of gold and brass Sculptures made of gold and brass Estátuas feitas de ouro e bronze Images made by human hands Images made by human hands Imagens feitas por mãos humanas Doesn't have life, doesn't have life Doesn't have life, doesn't have life Não tem vida, não tem vida... Time goes by and idols and by Time goes by and idols and by Tempos vão e ídolos vãos It will not resolve your situation It will not resolve your situation Não irão resolver a situação Doesn't matter to bow, much less Doesn't matter to bow, much less Não adianta ajoelhar To scream ‘cause they won't hear you To scream ‘cause they won't hear you Nem muito menos se esgoelar Much less to help Much less to help Porque eles não vão te ouvir Stone, clay, plaster or papper Stone, clay, plaster or papper Ainda mais te ajudar Will not take to heaven Will not take to heaven Pedra, barro, gesso ou papel You still gonna loose You still gonna loose Não vão te levar para o céu Following a piece of a tree Following a piece of a tree Voce ainda vai se dar mal Don't fool yourself, don't fool yourself Don't fool yourself, don't fool yourself Se seguir um pedaço de pau In God we trust. In God we trust. não se iluda, não se iluda,