Twelve groups of stars [Rev 12:1] Twelve groups of stars [Rev 12:1] Doze grupos de estrelas [Apocalipse 12:1] Surrounding God's heaven Surrounding God's heaven Envolvendo o paraíso de Deus Same as the tribes Same as the tribes O mesmo das tribos The twelve tribes of Israel [Gen 49:28] The twelve tribes of Israel [Gen 49:28] As doze tribos de Israel [Gênesis 49:28] Each hold a sign [Num 2:2] Each hold a sign [Num 2:2] Cada um segurando uma insígnia [Números 2:2] Surrounding God's presence Surrounding God's presence Em torno da presença de Deus Blurring the lines [Heb 9:24] Blurring the lines [Heb 9:24] Ofuscando as linhas [Hebreus 9:24] 'tween here and his residence 'tween here and his residence Entre aqui e Sua residência Twelve makes a day Twelve makes a day Doze faz um dia Twelve tones in music Twelve tones in music Doze tons da música Twelve months a year Twelve months a year Doze faz um ano Do you think it's an accident? Do you think it's an accident? Você acha que é um acidente? Christ as the Sun [Heb 1:3] Christ as the Sun [Heb 1:3] Cristo como o Sol [Hebreus 1:3] Pictures the Father Pictures the Father Imagem do Pai Sorrounded by twelve [Mat 23:8] Sorrounded by twelve [Mat 23:8] Cercado por doze [Mateus 23:8] That he calls his brothers That he calls his brothers Que ele chama de irmãos Twelve precious stones [Ex 39:7] Twelve precious stones [Ex 39:7] Doze pedras preciosas [Êxodo 39:7] Upon the Priests Ephod Upon the Priests Ephod Sobre a estola dos sacerdotes Twelve were the sons [Gen 35:22] Twelve were the sons [Gen 35:22] Doze eram os filhos [Gênesis 35:22] The twelve sons of Jacob The twelve sons of Jacob Os doze filhos de Jacó Twelve oxen held [2 Chr 4:4,5] Twelve oxen held [2 Chr 4:4,5] Doze bois mantinham [2 Crônicas 4:4,5] In Solomon's temple In Solomon's temple No templo de Salomão Three thousand baths Three thousand baths Três mil banheiras To cleanse all the Levites To cleanse all the Levites Para purificar todos os Levitas Christ built his church [Eph 2:20] Christ built his church [Eph 2:20] Cristo edificou sua igreja [Efésios 2:20] Upon twelve apostles Upon twelve apostles Sobre doze apóstolos And three thousand souls [Acts 2:41] And three thousand souls [Acts 2:41] E três mil almas [Atos 2:41] Were added at Pentecost Were added at Pentecost Foram adicionados no dia do Pentecostes Christ built His church Christ built His church Cristo edificou sua igreja Upon twelve apostles Upon twelve apostles Sobre doze apóstolos And three thousand souls And three thousand souls E três mil almas Were added at Pentecost Were added at Pentecost Foram adicionados no dia do Pentecostes And then after all And then after all E então depois de tudo with our backs against the wall with our backs against the wall Com as costas contra a parede We seek the temple of the living God We seek the temple of the living God Buscamos o templo do Deus vivo We seek the temple of the living God We seek the temple of the living God Buscamos o templo do Deus vivo