
Miss Otis Regrets (she's Unable To Lunch Today)

SRITA,OTIS lamente

Miss Otis regrets Miss Otis regrets srita. Otis lamente She's unable to lunch today. She's unable to lunch today. ela não está disponivel para lanchar hoje Madam... Madam... madame................. Miss Otis regrets Miss Otis regrets srita. Otis lamenta She's unable to lunch today. She's unable to lunch today. ela não está disponivel para lanchar hoje She is sorry to be delayed, She is sorry to be delayed, ela pede desculpas por estar atrasada But last evening down at Lover's Lane, she strayed. But last evening down at Lover's Lane, she strayed. mas a noite passada na Lover's Lane(rua), ela se enganou Madam... Madam... madame............ Miss Otis regrets Miss Otis regrets srita. Otis lamente She's unable to lunch today. She's unable to lunch today. ela não está disponivel para o lanche hoje ~interlude~ ~interlude~ interludio When she woke from her dream When she woke from her dream quando ela foi dormir And found that her love had gone, And found that her love had gone, e descobriu que seu amor tinha ido embora Madam... Madam... madame She ran to the man She ran to the man ela correu para o homem Who had led her so far astray. Who had led her so far astray. que a abandonou e a enganou tão depressa And from under her velvet gown, And from under her velvet gown, e na sua camisola de veludo She drew a gun and shot her lover down. She drew a gun and shot her lover down. ela chamou um revolver e atirou no seu amante Madam... Madam... madame................... Miss Otis regrets Miss Otis regrets srita. Otis lamente She's unable to lunch today. She's unable to lunch today. ela não está disponivel para o lanche hoje Then the mob came and got her Then the mob came and got her então a multidão veio e pegou ela And dragged her from the jail. And dragged her from the jail. e arrastou para a cadeia Madam... Madam... madame................... They strung her upon They strung her upon eles a trancaram lá A willow across the way. A willow across the way. como um salgueiro atras do caminho And the moment before she died, And the moment before she died, e antes do momneto de morrer She lifted up her lovely head and cried. She lifted up her lovely head and cried. ela levantou sua bela cabeça e chorou Madam... Madam... madame.................... Miss Otis regrets Miss Otis regrets Srita. Otis lamenta

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