
Mind hemorrhage Mind hemorrhage Mente hemorragia fuckin' folding chairs in the hallway fuckin' folding chairs in the hallway fuckin 'sillas plegables en el pasillo crucified, crucified, crucificado, paralyzed, paralyzed, paralizado, you laugh, I cry you laugh, I cry te ríes, lloro calculating my miscalculations calculating my miscalculations el cálculo de mis errores de cálculo what is the sign what is the sign lo que es el signo for I'm choking to death? for I'm choking to death? porque yo estoy asfixiando a la muerte? There's something caught in my throat There's something caught in my throat Hay algo que tengo en la garganta could it be something I've said? could it be something I've said? podría ser algo que he dicho? Sighted blind, Sighted blind, Videntes ciegos, Braille is fine, Braille is fine, Braille está muy bien, two black eyes, two black eyes, dos ojos negro, are you a badass or just a fuckin' asshole? are you a badass or just a fuckin' asshole? ¿Eres un badass o simplemente un maldito idiota '? There's too much, not enough There's too much, not enough No es demasiado, no es suficiente God and dog God and dog Dios y el perro well I've seen a dog well I've seen a dog así que he visto a un perro I'll take my chances I'll take my chances Voy a tomar mis posibilidades and sleep like a log, and sleep like a log, y dormir como un tronco, hard in the ground, hard in the ground, duro en el suelo, dig? dig? excavar? God, God, Dios, dog, dog, perro, God, God, Dios, dog agnostic, dog agnostic, perro agnóstico, insomniac, insomniac, insomne, dyslexic I'm wide awake dyslexic I'm wide awake disléxicos I'm wide awake and I'm wondering if there is a dog and I'm wondering if there is a dog y me pregunto si hay un perro

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