Is our secret safe tonight Is our secret safe tonight Es nuestro secreto a salvo esta noche And are we out of sight And are we out of sight Y estamos fuera de la vista Or will our world come tumbling down? Or will our world come tumbling down? ¿O nuestro mundo se derrumban ? Will they find our hiding place Will they find our hiding place ¿Encontrarán nuestro escondite Is this our last embrace Is this our last embrace ¿Es este nuestro último abrazo Or will the walls start caving in? Or will the walls start caving in? ¿O las paredes empezaron a ceder ? (It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it should have been right (It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it should have been right ( Esto podría estar mal , podría estar mal ) Pero debería haber estado en lo cierto (It could be wrong, could be wrong) To let our hearts ignite (It could be wrong, could be wrong) To let our hearts ignite ( Esto podría estar mal , podría estar mal ) Para que nuestros corazones prenderse fuego (It could be wrong, could be wrong) Are we digging a hole? (It could be wrong, could be wrong) Are we digging a hole? ( Esto podría estar mal , podría estar mal ) ¿Estamos cavando un agujero? (It could be wrong, could be wrong) This is out of control (It could be wrong, could be wrong) This is out of control ( Esto podría estar mal , podría estar mal ) Esto está fuera de control (It could be wrong, could be wrong) It can never last (It could be wrong, could be wrong) It can never last ( Esto podría estar mal , podría estar mal ) Puede nunca duran (It could be wrong, could be wrong) Must erase it fast (It could be wrong, could be wrong) Must erase it fast (Podría estar mal, podría estar equivocado) Debe eliminarse rápido (It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it could have been right (It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it could have been right ( Esto podría estar mal , podría estar mal ) , pero podría haber tenido razón (It could be wrong, could be...) (It could be wrong, could be...) (Podría estar equivocado, podría ser ... ) Love is our resistance Love is our resistance El amor es nuestra resistencia They'll keep us apart and they won't to stop breaking us down They'll keep us apart and they won't to stop breaking us down Ellos nos mantienen separados y no pararán hasta acabar con nosotros Hold me Hold me Abrázame Our lips must always be sealed Our lips must always be sealed Nuestros labios deben estar siempre cerrados If we live a life in fear If we live a life in fear Si vivimos una vida de miedo I'll wait a thousand years I'll wait a thousand years Voy a esperar mil años Just to see you smile again Just to see you smile again Sólo para verte sonreír de nuevo Kill your prayers for love and peace Kill your prayers for love and peace Mata a sus oraciones para el amor y la paz You'll wake the thought police You'll wake the thought police Vas a despertar a la policía del pensamiento We can't hide the truth inside We can't hide the truth inside No podemos ocultar la verdad interior (It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it should have been right (It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it should have been right ( Esto podría estar mal , podría estar mal ) Pero debería haber estado en lo cierto (It could be wrong, could be wrong) To let our hearts ignite (It could be wrong, could be wrong) To let our hearts ignite ( Esto podría estar mal , podría estar mal ) Para que nuestros corazones prenderse fuego (It could be wrong, could be wrong) Are we digging a hole? (It could be wrong, could be wrong) Are we digging a hole? ( Esto podría estar mal , podría estar mal ) ¿Estamos cavando un agujero? (It could be wrong, could be wrong) This is out of control (It could be wrong, could be wrong) This is out of control ( Esto podría estar mal , podría estar mal ) Esto está fuera de control (It could be wrong, could be wrong) It can never last (It could be wrong, could be wrong) It can never last ( Esto podría estar mal , podría estar mal ) Puede nunca duran (It could be wrong, could be wrong) Must erase it fast (It could be wrong, could be wrong) Must erase it fast (Podría estar mal, podría estar equivocado) Debe eliminarse rápido (It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it could have been right (It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it could have been right ( Esto podría estar mal , podría estar mal ) , pero podría haber tenido razón (It could be wrong, could be...) (It could be wrong, could be...) (Podría estar equivocado, podría ser ... ) Love is our resistance Love is our resistance El amor es nuestra resistencia They'll keep us apart and they won't to stop breaking us down They'll keep us apart and they won't to stop breaking us down Ellos nos mantienen separados y no pararán hasta acabar con nosotros Hold me Hold me Abrázame Our lips must always be sealed Our lips must always be sealed Nuestros labios deben estar siempre cerrados The night has reached its end The night has reached its end La noche ha llegado a su fin We can't pretend We can't pretend No podemos pretender We must run We must run Tenemos que correr We must run We must run Tenemos que correr It's time to run It's time to run Es hora de correr Take us away from here Take us away from here Llévanos lejos de aquí Protect us from further harm Protect us from further harm Protégenos de un daño mayor Resistance Resistance Resistencia