There is a house in New Orleans There is a house in New Orleans Hay una casa en Nueva Orleans They call the rising sun They call the rising sun Que ellos llaman el sol naciente And its been a ruin of many a poor boy And its been a ruin of many a poor boy Y sus sido una ruina de muchos un niño pobre And God I know Im one And God I know Im one Y sé que Dios Im que una Well Mother, tell your childern Well Mother, tell your childern Bueno Madre, dile a tu Niños Not to do what I have done Not to do what I have done No hacer lo que he hecho Oh yeah, spend our life in sin and misery Oh yeah, spend our life in sin and misery Oh sí, gastar nuestra vida en el pecado y la miseria In the house of the rising sun In the house of the rising sun En la casa del sol naciente There is a house in New Orleans There is a house in New Orleans Hay una casa en Nueva Orleans They call the rising sun They call the rising sun Que ellos llaman el sol naciente And its been a ruin of many a poor boy And its been a ruin of many a poor boy Y sus sido una ruina de muchos un niño pobre And God I know Im one And God I know Im one Y sé que Dios Im que una