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The Cave

A Caverna

It's empty in the valley of your heart, It's empty in the valley of your heart, Isso é vazio no vale do seu coração, The sun it rises slowly as you walk, The sun it rises slowly as you walk, O sol se levanta devagar enquanto você caminha, Away from all the fears Away from all the fears Longe de todos os medos and all the faults you've left behind. and all the faults you've left behind. E todos os defeitos que você deixou para trás. The harvest left no food for you to eat, The harvest left no food for you to eat, A colheita não deixou comida para você comer, You cannibal you meat eater you see, You cannibal you meat eater you see, Seu canibal, seu comedor de carne, você vê, But I have seen the same But I have seen the same Mas eu tenho visto o mesmo I know the shame in your defeat. I know the shame in your defeat. Eu conheço a vergonha na sua derrota But I will hold on hope, But I will hold on hope, Mas eu vou me agarrar na esperança, And I won't let you choke, And I won't let you choke, E eu não vou te deixar sufocar, On the noose around your neck, On the noose around your neck, No laço ao redor do pescoço, And I'll find strength in pain, And I'll find strength in pain, E eu vou encontrar força na dor, And I will change my ways, And I will change my ways, E vou mudar meus caminhos, I'll know my name as it's called again. I'll know my name as it's called again. Eu vou saber meu nome quando ele for chamado de novo. 'Cause I have other things to fill my time, 'Cause I have other things to fill my time, Porque eu tenho outras coisas para preencher meu tempo, You take what is your's and I'll take mine, You take what is your's and I'll take mine, Você pega o que é seu e eu pego o que é meu, Now let me at the truth Now let me at the truth Agora me deixe na verdade which will refresh my broken mind. which will refresh my broken mind. A qual vai refrescar minha mente quebrada. So tie me to a post and block my ears, So tie me to a post and block my ears, Então me lace em um poste e entupa meus ouvidos, I can see widows and orphans through my tears, I can see widows and orphans through my tears, Eu posso ver viúvas e órfãos através de lágrimas, I know my call despite my faults I know my call despite my faults Eu conheço meu chamado apesar dos meus defeitos and despite my growing fears. and despite my growing fears. e apesar dos meus medos crescentes. But I will hold on hope, But I will hold on hope, Mas eu vou me agarrar na esperança, And I won't let you choke, And I won't let you choke, E eu não vou te deixar sufocar, On the noose around your neck, On the noose around your neck, No laço ao redor do pescoço, And I'll find strength in pain, And I'll find strength in pain, E eu vou encontrar força na dor, And I will change my ways, And I will change my ways, E vou mudar meus caminhos, I'll know my name as it's called again. I'll know my name as it's called again. Eu vou saber meu nome quando ele for chamado de novo. So come out of your cave walking on your hands, So come out of your cave walking on your hands, Então saia de sua caverna andando sobre suas mãos, And see the world hanging upside down, And see the world hanging upside down, E veja o mundo pendurado de cabeça para baixo, you can understand dependence you can understand dependence Você pode entender dependência when you know the makers hand. when you know the makers hand. quando você conhece o fabricante de mãos. So make your sirens call, So make your sirens call, Assim faça suas sirenes gritarem, And sing all you want, And sing all you want, E cante tudo que você quer, I will not hear what you have to say. I will not hear what you have to say. Eu não vou ouvir o que você tem a dizer. Cause I need freedom now, Cause I need freedom now, Porque eu preciso de liberdade agora, And I need to know how, And I need to know how, E eu preciso saber como, To live my live as its meant to be. To live my live as its meant to be. Viver minha vida como isso pretende ser. And I will hold on hope, And I will hold on hope, Mas eu vou me agarrar na esperança, And I will let you choke, And I will let you choke, E eu não vou te deixar sufocar, On the noose around your neck, On the noose around your neck, No laço ao redor do pescoço, And I find strength in pain, And I find strength in pain, E eu vou encontrar força na dor, And I will change my ways, And I will change my ways, E vou mudar meus caminhos, I'll know my name as its its called again. I'll know my name as its its called again. Eu vou saber meu nome quando ele for chamado de novo.

Composição: Mumford & Sons

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